Hi Kriss,
Welcome aboard. You have come to the right place for support, understanding, and guidance. This site offers a lot of information and tools to help with your relationship. The motto here on the staying board is, "Before you can make anything better, you must stop making it worse."
I am sorry that you are going through such a tough time. Walking on eggshells and being accused of things is really difficult to cope with. There are many effective ways to discuss things with your partner. Communication tools are great for allowing your needs to be heard, without making things worse. Here is an article to help you get started.
TOOLS: S.E.T. - Support, Empathy and TruthRecognizing your role is a great start to help make things better. You mentioned that you are codependent and are speaking to a counselor. How are you working on your codependency? There are quite a few of us here (myself included) that have codependent traits, so you are in good company.

Perhaps you can share more of your story so we can help you better. Sharing your story really does help.