Hi Oceans_Divide and

This board as whole offers many good well thought writings and tools, have you checked them? I recommend reading
https://bpdfamily.com/content/why-we-struggle-in-relationships if you haven't already. Also going through
https://bpdfamily.com/portfolio-4-cols could be wise.
Decisions are something nobody else can do for you. There are lot of nice and knowleageble folk here and they meight be able to advice you to choose the path you want to take.
The tools will be a very good source to make things work for you too if you decide to stay. I recommend going through some of the basic lessons and tools even if you do not stay – they are good and my feeling is that anyone will benefit in going through with them.
Just a thought. I'm not the best here to give anyone advice, but there's also an inbetween leaving and staying: timeout.