Hi,I am new to the forum,I have posted elsewhere looking for validation and I suppose a little help and support to get me through. So here is my story
Met a girl 9 years ago and my god were there red-flags from the start,I saw them back then but I was so overwhelmed by the instant infatuation and love towards me that she was showing that I simply forgave her and told her not to do these things again.Now when I say these things I mean lying. The biggest

was that I had been chatting to a different girl on a dating site and then all of a sudden things go quiet and then I receive a message one day from my now ex fiancée telling me how this girl has committed suicide and she has seen my messages and my photos and wants to get to know me.(yes what the hell was I thinking?)
so things continue from there,she moves to be with me failing to tell me she has ran away from home (found out years later when her mum sends a letter saying how she misses her and hopes she is ok). She tells me in the beginning that she drove a car (lie) and the biggest one of all was that her name was actually different to what it is,not informing me of her real name for weeks after we met? what the hell?.There was also mention of her late father abusing her but she would never openly discuss this with me and would always shut down so I have no idea if this was another one of lies or in fact was the truth which is possible considering what I know now.
Over the course of 9 years I witness my ex suffering with enormous depression.phoning up ambulances asking to be taken away and be sectioned,she tells me she has like movies playing in her head while she is sleeping and they are quite violent and to the point of her murdering someone in her sleep.If she had a headache she would be on google and then telling me she had a tumour.She would run next door to our friend asking for help because she worked for mental health services but would always refuse the help when offered.
After she had our little boy who is now 6 I asked her about the possibility of me going back to work and she agreed it was a good idea even though I had my reservations because I was worried about her being on her own with our baby.The day I was due to start work I had slept most of the day ready for my night shift and I was woken by her crying her eyes out saying she doesn't want me to go and she can't cope.She rang her mum up who lives in another town 131 miles away asking to go there for a while and her mother made arrangements for her sister to come and pick her up.While her sister is on her way my ex calls me begging me to ring her sister and tell her she has changed her mind, but I was on my way to work and her sister had already set off.Anyway she returns home like nothing ever happened and we never did get to the bottom of why she left so abruptly.
Then my mother passed away 5 years ago and she returns back to asking me to go and live closer to her mum so she could be part of our son's life.I figured I had nothing left where I was so I agree to move.When we started living closer to her mother she would always complain that her mother never took an interest in her or our son and we should have stayed where we were.She was constantly slagging her sister off but then nice as pie a few days later.
We then had our second child (a little girl) who is now 18 months old and then comes the deal breaker.Last year I started work with the intention of saving up for us to get married and spend our lives together like she had always hoped for. A month after I start work I start getting the silent treatment and then one day out of the blue her words to me were "I don't know,something doesn't feel right and I don't love you anymore". I was blown away to say the least.I got home from work that night and she went absolutely nuts screaming at me to get out of the house,almost begging me and saying "if I go now she will think about us".So I left and went to stay at a friends where I am living now.
So I then go and make a huge mistake and start texting and texting begging her to talk to me,most of the time receiving silent treatment or short answers,she called me a stalker and threatened me with the police but she would not give me anything as to why she abruptly ended it. Now comes the interesting part,she tells me there is another man involved but he's just a friend and he also happens to be gay (like I was born yesterday). So I was round her house one day and I pop to her toilet and I spot a little pink notebook on the bedroom floor.On it she has wrote "B___es bible" "I want to have my cake and eat it" "my happy ever after" "I love his voice" "Oh so you think long distance relationships are stupid? well I would rather have someone perfect for me than put up with someone who treats me like s**t and who is a douche bag. To be honest once I saw that I knew I was dealing with someone mentally unwell.
Right after splitting with me she tells me that something has happened in her head,she doesn't know what it is but she is not depressed and she needs to see a doctor,she then tells me weeks later this was just a lie to shut me up asking questions.I tell her she needs to get help and I also hint she may have a personality disorder which she responded to with the only help she needs is pushing me off a bridge.
Then comes the blame game,it was all my fault why we finished,I was a slob (I was working and still am in work) I was a cheat (never cheated on her once) A liar (never lied to her). Then she takes to facebook and gathers up her army of enablers and starts posting nasty vile comments and photo's,even ones of her and this new bloke in a collage she had made up.Oh how much fun they all had rubbing my nose in it.She even started up a friendship with some dead beat pot head (total opposite of me) who I suspect has probably developed into something sexual even though she claims she would never have someone like that near our children

I know for a fact she is on dating sites now using many different usernames trying to lure her next victim however in the meantime she is playing mind games with me trying to keep me on a string.The best one by far was I finished work a few days back and I go round to her house after I finish to collect some money she owed me and to see my children.We ended up having an argument because of her latest status she had put on her fb page which read and I am sorry for this language "I am *new bf* dirty little f*****g c*m sub!".My friend commented on it saying he didn't think she was like that and she swiftly removed it.So I tell her I think she has turned into a vile disgusting human being and she has really lowered herself (I know I shouldn't have reacted) she sat there with a massive smile on her face like she had just won top prize at a beauty contest.She said "you will not be seeing your kids again!" (another one of her favourite weapons) and "I won't be contacting you again" So I shouted at her and told her that she will not be taking my children away from me and I left the house.Literally half an hour passes and I get a missed call on my phone and a text message asking me if I want to go round to her house for chinese food

I go round to her house for chinese food,watch tv and then yes you guessed it my penis does the talking and we end up having sex right there on the sofa. I tell her I love her which is met by "I don't want to hear it" and looks into the distance. So I leave that night and not spoken to her since.I am due to pick my son up for our weekend together in 2 days. In the meantime she posts Hoobastank-The reason on her fb (don't know if this is a charm attempt) and I wake up this morning and look at whatsapp and her status reads "mummy should not piss daddy off". When she was going through her manic phase as that is what I thought it was she would post quotes on her whatsapp saying things like "There’s a special place in my heart for the ones who were with me at my lowest and still loved me when I wasn’t very loveable" and things about looking fine on the outside but inside she is dying.She would even put her profile photo on whatsapp as her chinese writing tattoo which is my name.
It's like she wants me to fight for her but the moment I do she pushes me straight back down again.This girl used to tell me how I was her soulmate,she wanted to be with me forever,asked me to marry her 2 months before splitting with me,Couldn't imagine her life without me and now I don't hear a thing from her other than indirect statuses or songs she posts.The whole situation is crazy.And the crazy thing is if she was to tell me she needs help I would support her every step of the way but reality has set in now and I know that is highly unlikely.
So so sad that the love of my life has vanished into thin air and now spends her nights up until silly hours in the morning on dating sites,taking excessive amounts of pro plus,energy drinks,paracetamol tabs looking for her next knight in shining armour.
All I want to do is love her and tell her everything will be alright :'(