It gets easier. It's been three months for me. I would still take her back, although no longer at the expense of my self respect. Counseling and DBT have helped me a lot. I also told myself that the healthier I was, the better chance I would have of being able to not crumble when she painted me black if I had a relationship with her again. I'm doing so much better than I was. It's incredibly difficult though. It was at seven weeks that it really hit me that it might truly be over.
I'm also around 3 months. It took a good 6 weeks for the realization and pain to kick in. Before that I was feeling nothing, just emotionally dead and numb, pretty much like I had been feeling for the entire year. Then out of nowhere I started feeling again, and it wasn't a feeling of relief like it should have been, it was a crushing pain of loss and grief and an almost overwhelming desire to try and get her back.