I think there are some merits in your theory but this has to be seen in the context of the progression of the relationship. For example, in the 'honeymoon' period no exposure was too much as I could do no wrong. During devaluation I irritated her by breathing!
I would say I noticed this push-pull effect mostly during the honeymoon/idealization stage. She would complain about not getting enough intimacy (even rabbits would have been impressed), so I increased the number of times I was going to see and spend time with her, then it was too much and she felt used.
I did enjoy a relatively prolonged period of happiness by walking that fine line between abandonment and engulfment triggers rather well. Obviously this was done sub-consciously as I had neither heard of BPD at that juncture let alone suspected her of having it! Basically I wouldn't consider progressing the relationship in terms of moving towards marriage for at least 6 months as I wanted proof that we were 'sustainable'. This gave her something to pine for whilst still being treated well by me. As soon as she passed my test and I bought her a ring, it all went tits up at a rate of knots!
Looking back, I probably started distancing myself around the first discard. I did allow myself to open up to her on several occasions following that, and I got burned as a result. After that I think I entered the safe zone around the fine line. In retrospect, I think that is also when our relationship stopped any real measurable progress in the forward direction. It was more a steady state for a while there, I had achieved a safe "distance" from her more or less. The BPD behaviour did continue just not as severe, and it also resulted in either keeping me in the safe distance zone, or pushed me further away.