I've often wondered about this
Because, I've also wondered if I have a BPDisorder... or NPD.
Like to hear some thoughts on this.
My own thoughts say its entirely possible...
Which is doubly sad.
But as for me, putting aside the traits that I do exhibit, I DO have a heart, I can feel compassion and empathy, and I can love and know (unfortunately) how it feels when the person you love... .does not value your love, and you realize that they have been mascerading behind a pretend person.
I think it absolutely can happen. I'll have to go back and look at your first post to see what your experience has been in relationships, but yes, it can happen. The NPD would probably love to latch on to a BPD because the latter's fear of abandonment flatters the former's need for an endless supply. A pwNPD would love nothing more than someone who will keep running back to them, and the pwBPD thrives on that kind of drama.
As for two with BPD? Well ... .Probably? Although I'm not sure I'd want to know what such a thing would look like. I've heard anecdotes that two pwBPD get together, but usually they're in treatment. I've never heard of such an arrangement lasting, though.
I suppose the litmus test for you is: How honestly did you love them, how much did you fear that love, and were you afraid of abandonment and/or loss of supply? Did you love selflessly and unconditionally, or selfishly and on the condition that they provide you with supply/reassurance that they won't abandon you?
Please do keep in mind that codependency issues can make a person *look* like they have BPD or NPD, and other conditions can mimic these disorders, but the litmus test above will clarify that, I think. If you're unsure, please find someone to help you sift through things and find out whether it's codependency or something more sinister. Stay well.