I have a long time acquaintance of sorts who I communicate with from time to time, less frequently this last year, who scores somewhat highly on several personality disorder traits according to a test they took
There was a notable pattern emerging: they'd end up texting when they were feeling crappy.
We'll call them J
J: Hey how's it going?
DS: Pretty good, just watching a movie. You?
J: Just playing cards against humanity. But I'm feeling like I'm being obnoxious, so I figured I should stop talking and just look at my phone for awhile. :/
DS: Enjoy your game
J: Noo, talk to me!
DS: I just think it's kind of weird to be someone you talk to when you feel negatively about yourself
J: :0
J: I'm sorry... .
DS: Do you see how that might make someone feel? "Break in case of emergency."
J: My bad
J: I apologize
... .
Maybe I'm being petty? Doubt it though! Is this what drawing a boundary is? I'm trying to weed out people who see me as a resource!