Did any of your ex partners have other diagnosed mental health issues as well?
Mine had adhd, anxiety, depression, chronic nausea, chronic migraines. All were medicated. She also highly enjoyed using THC edibles which I don't think made things better given what ive read about interactions and all possibly causing psychosis and other issues.
I felt bad for her but I also hated how I'd weaponize it at times. Sometimes I reacted so badly. And said mean things and I do regret that. But when you're blamed for it, and it's just not true, I just get defensive more than I should.
"youre the one with all these mental health issues. I know for a fact I didn't say that. I'm not crazy. I was just in this argument with you". - after being gaslit
"You can't just treat me like
PLEASE READ for no reason, then blame your trauma. You said you weren't abused, molested, rped, nothing. I dont get it. Whats yourexcuse to do these things?!" - after a rage out of nowhere and being told how inadequate i am as a partner...when i was praised to all heavens the day before.
"Everytime you have a problem you can't just request more medications. A pill isn't going to fix you. Work on your problems!" - she wanted me to fill out the partner questionnaire when she wanted adhd medication. I answered truthfully and it upset her that I didn't mark everything at its highest scale.
I ask because I continue to play out every scenario. No one is perfect and I never disliked her for any of her diagnoses. I did as much as I possibly could. Massaged her head almost nightly hoping to prevent migraines. Massaged her jaw for her TMJ. Ask her if she took her pills. Held her close all night when she felt lonely. I'm not perfect at all, but dang it I did everything I thought necessary.
I miss her so much. But I dont miss being yelled at, or the surprise 11pm "can we talk?", or the rage and insults. I dont miss me being baited into an argument and then responding cruely and out of character.
It seems these medical issues are becoming more and more common now. I imagine my next partner will have at least one of these diagnoses.
How can someone successfully navigate bouts of rage or insults? I've walked away, which only works sometimes and the next time you're accused of dismissing them or being selfish or not caring. I've talked calmly, it goes on for hours and ends in a rage. I defend myself with facts, that's the worst response. In these past few years I've noticed there is no pattern and while something is totally OK today, tomorrow it's the worst thing ever.
Is there no real answer?