Hey Openair: Pursuant to safety. I did threaten calling Social Services after last weeks verbal attack. I did not do so with the physical as I felt confident and new she would possibly loose her job as a nurse. It changed the demeanor at the time and I immediately left for work.
You might want to add the phone number below to your phone list, so you can access it if you need it. A domestic violence hotline can help you make some decisions when you feel physically threatened.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE:www.thehotline.org/My son looks much older than his years--so does his wife. As I said, when you are in a situation for as many years (23) as they have been you lose you objectivity. He seems to be in a depressive state of mind.
Stress can be hard on you and can definitely age you. Has your son ever had some therapy? Perhaps therapy could be helpful for him right now, and/or for you?
They defaulted on the loan several years ago and kept it from me. I have occasionally asked if the finances on the home were good as it became necessary for me to divest from being a watch-dog as running a retail business in addition would bury me.
One thing you can do is ask to see the year-end mortgage statement. If something is amiss, then you might need to ask for verification more frequently. There should be some way for you to gains confidence that the mortgage is being paid, without you spending much time or effort.