well... .i sent an email after our break up and she never responded... .i went for her at whatsapp and she talked to me... .i asked if she had read the email... .
yeah she had, but it was like nothing... .i was like nothing to her... .she told me she had lost interest in me and had became emotionally connected with other people and i should start to see other people since she was doing that... .
and told me that there was nothing i could do to change anything... .
so my guess is... most of them will not answer until they feel they need you... .and even them they will reach out like if you were somebody they have little memories
They ate like any other ex who has lost interest, the only difference is they feel no need to spare your feelings so will be brutally honest.
They lost attraction. Im sure we can all remember a time where either an ex or someone we just werent interested in kept trying with us. Its annoying and frustrating but we try to be "nice" about it.
They dont feel the need to be "nice" and we get hurt and call them abusive etc.
Its a big circle. You pull yourself out by moving on and focusing on yourself. The aim is to become the person who would never have got in this situation in the first place. When you get to that point you wont be concerned with a mentally ill ex anymore.