Hello, opentoideas

This is not a good thing to carry by yourself. I'm glad you reached out for help. My own mood was much worse before I could talk about this with others. I put it into the column of things to do for myself. Because it is a huge difference to be able to talk, even just venting, but also to have some learning still to do. I can't imagine 30 years of taking this in by yourself, and not having any colaboration by your husband who is in denial of the real problem. I'm sorry you,ve been through all that, but I admire your determination.
There is no shame in needing some relief, there is so much a human being can take and we take more than we can chew many times. I don't wonder why you got depressed or turn to tobacco or whatever, I'd wonder how could you not look for some relief.
I hope we help each other to get stronger, and find an exit from suffering in constructive ways. Can you tell us more about your story? What books have you read? Do you have people close to you that are also a source of support?