Thanks guys.
I feel like I have BPD/NPD people all around me.
I live in a somewhat small town and my ex boyfriend was def. NPD and would try to control me while telling me "We all know you have problems" in this creepy voice because he knew about my breakdown. He was very abusive and manipulative and would use his large friend base to control me would show off from them and call himself a healer and act super loving then behind closed doors he was a monster and would tell me how to act, what to dress like, Sexually manipulate me. Tell me in a creepy voice to "be nice" even though I was being nice all the time but if I was eating something and wouldn't give him half. He often ate all my food and if I didn't share he would call me a "mean" person but I couldn't afford to give him everything even though I tried to reason with him or try to say we could split groceries there was no agreeing he just said I was mean for not sharing everything I had. When I would eat something he would tell me "go ahead keep eating so you get fat and you won't break up with me." He would suddenly start masturbating when I tried to leave. Say "its ok if you hate my friends" which I never did then give me article of how to act around them. He knew I wanted to be friends with them but he liked the control. I eventually had to separate from all of his friends as I was terrified of him but again its a small town and everyone knows everyone. Thats not the worst of it but thats some of it.
I feel like these manipulative people are a theme in my life. I kept my best friend from high school in my life for years too long. She was highly toxic. She used to steal friend's purses. She would have her boyfriend of the week make fun of how I look until I cried and she would sit there and laugh. So much bad stuff. As adults she started telling me how much she loved me and would invite me to her parents farm so I would go but she would tell me how her boyfriend who repairs elevators would help lock people in there for fun. She would call me for hours and keep me on the phone to nurture her each time she had a fight with her now ex husband for years even though she would also call for support each time she was sleeping with another guy for fun. Often they were married with kids. She would put people down for their looks or dating other races. I always just stuck by her though trying to hope she would be a more loving person but it was always about her. Eventually since she was saying she loved me I told her I had a breakdown and I guess thats all she needed. She dropped me as a friend. I told her all of the horrible things she had done which I shouldn't have and I know she started some smear campaign against me because the large group of girls I stayed in touch with from High School started deleting my comments on social media and she would post a meme of a kid jumping up and down under or they all just ignore me now which is crazy these are all 40/41 year old women but who knows what she is telling them. I have these people in my life from all angles.
My sister as I mentioned says cruel things to me and then when I get mad she claims I bully her which is something my Mom taught her. She runs to my brother who then asks how I can be so mean to her.
I've tried to talk to my brother the golden child because he was there for me when I had a breakdown about the abuse as a kid but he just asks if I think I had it worst and tells me I just hold grudges with people and why do I care about something my parents did 20 years ago.
He tells me I'm a loser for using the internet for support and he doesn't know why my therapist is talking about this stuff with me that she should be helping with my future.
I do see a therapist but its hard as I was put on benzos years ago when I had a breakdown and came off of them 6 months ago. They cause anger coming off of them and then bringing all of this to head in therapy is causing a ton of anger but also frustration that all of these people continue to smear me like my parents and I have no one left. On top of it I had a breakdown so they all just like to call me crazy or like when I told my uncle about the abuse as someone suggested. He told my grandmother not to listen to me. Everyone all around me hates me and has shut me out of their lives as if I'm the problem.
I really don't like this feeling of everyone manipulating everyone I love or want to know against me. I want to go out and meet knew people or reconnect with some friends who are still around it seems but everyone knows everyone again and I'm like whats the point.
Not Wendy
Thats horrible your father also called you by your mother's name. Thats the first time I heard someone else say that. It's def. creepy on a whole other level. I'm so sorry that happened to you too.
I am in a relationship I've been in on and off for 20 years. He had drinking problems early on, left me at one point for another girl, has anger issues and yells and curses lots but its one somewhat loving person in my life who knows me and at least doesn't manipulate me.
Oh his Mom broke us up one time years ago. She convinced him to break up with me when we were staying with her and I told her he was an alcoholic on the mend. I left and she bought him a cooler outside his room in her house and kept it full of alcohol so he drank himself away all day and was peeing on the floor. She was also inappropriately sexual with him his whole life. She walks around him naked and in see though underwear and talks to him about her sex life among other things. She would say things to me like oh I always wanted a daughter and then would take me out to buy me something and say " I don't trust my son to marry you." Last time I saw her we were staying at her house. She was trying to manipulate everyone for us to live there with her forever. Thats how she wants her son living with her under her control. Her other son is in jail for brutally murdering her parents in their sleep. I finally told her it was inappropriate for her to be naked around her son and to keep telling me I was fat as she kept doing because I put weight on. I should have never stood up to her because I ended up having to apologize which she didn't accept and has given me the silent treatment ever since and now asked my finace every time she talks to him if he's gonna stay with me or keep putting up with my bull
I feel like these people are all around me. I can't get them out of my life and I'm cornered now with nobody left. Because I suffered so much abuse as a kid I barely spoke. I have always been considered shy and soft spoken but I'm starting to think I actually love being around lots of people but I feel so isolated and I'm afraid of letting more bad people into my life.
This is not all the stories but some main ones.
The funny thing is I was able to develop a strong sense of self and I know what I like and dislike. I do feel like I was an underachiever in school and life with my interests because my time has been taken up so much by trauma.
Yeah I really want new friends but I'm so sacred of this playing out over and over again. Maybe this is just my lot in life is to get controlled and smeared by manipulative people when all I want is love.
I really don't know what to do with my sibling dynamics. Thats the hardest to walk away from especially because I was made so young to feel like my life was to be all about them and I can't even fix their view of me and my sister's pattern of acting out and then cutting me out of her life and running to my brother.
What do I do with all of this anger? How do you cannel it? I really wish it would go away and I would just cry about this stuff instead. Coming off of benzos is making it so much worse. I wasn't even supposed to be this med. When I had my breakdown my brother's girlfriend at the time went with me to the doctor and told me to tell them I had anxiety at the time to get the pills because she liked to abuse them. I didn't know until I was taking them for years and we got into an argument and she said "sorry I got you hooked on those pills which make you angry" She also then turned everything around on me and cut me off but she actually told me at one point she was diagnosed with BPD. She def. had some traits looking back even though she was well off and educated.
I just don't get how these people keep ending up in my life. Like is there some life lesson like they say that keeps presenting itself as they say until you learn it?
Like I wanted nothing more than a fiance with a loving mother and family which I never had but nope more of the same.
I almost dated a guy because his Mom was so nice to me once.
Thanks for your help guys! I needed to vent some of this to someone because feeling so alone with all of the craziness makes me feel nuts. Especially because it keeps happening. I do havea few friends in my life I could try to build a better friendship with some live closer than others but I don't want all this garbage to come spilling out and it seems to be consuming my thoughts these days because all of it has piled up at this point.