I am very sorry to hear that things have been so difficult for you with your previous relationships and with your father. I agree with much of what you’ve said.
In the past, BPD was considered a “female disorder” but now it’s recognized that it manifests slightly differently in men. I agree that many people with NPD could be miscategorized as BPD, but often these disorders can be comorbid.
Yes, many people with BPD find themselves in an abusive relationship with an NPD.
Technically personality disorders are not mental illness, but people, as you know, often sloppily will categorize any behavior they find troubling as “crazy.”
Yes, personality disorders tend to run in families and many of us, myself included, who’ve grown up with a parent with a PD have entered into relationships with partners with personality disorders.
And, as
Notwendy mentioned, this is a board for those of us who have a relationship with someone with a personality disorder to try and untangle our confusion and misunderstanding. Certainly there can be uncomfortable feelings shared as we do so. But if we didn’t care about our loved ones, we wouldn’t have the motivation to try and understand them.
This site is a support group for those who are or were in a relationship with a person with BPD, so many of the posts can be triggering to a BPD sufferer. There are resources of the type you're seeking. Please check out
Resources for BPD Sufferers I wish you well on your journey.