Hi again UL
Oof... I won't lie to you, I was triggered reading your post, and description of how your mother acts with your children.
I am personally no contact right now with my BPD mother and so.. consider I have a bias in my views. No contact is a personal choice, and is not warranted or needed in all situations.
When I had children is exactly when I finally realized something was deeply wrong in my relationship with my own mother. There was such a strong dissonance between how I felt toward my children, and how I knew my mother had raised me, that it triggered my journey, and my realizations about her BPD.
When in she was visiting us, or us visiting her, I observed that:
- She was emotionnally clingy toward them, over time, I came to understand this could develop into emotional enmeshment if I allowed her to be with them too often
- she was jealous and competitive of their love toward me. Like she wanted to be their mother. So she started making weird comments against me, wedging them against me "I'd do it, I love you so much, but your mother doesn't want me to" without asking me anything. So I knew that letting them with her without supervision might result in her triangulating them against me, which is where I drew the line.
I would never leave my BPD mother unsupervised with my children. From experience, I saw her try to triangulate my nephew and niece against their mother... And I don't want her doing the same to me. I've seen members here realize this too late, and now their children are being used as pawns to hurt them... It is a horrible situation to be in, one I would encourage you to prevent at all cost by not allowing them together unsupervised.
Do you think this is something that could potentially happen? Her triangulating your child against you?