Yes, I remember your previous post, about your S20's suicidal ideation.
Have you let S20 know yet that you'll be renting near him for 3 months in the fall? If so, how did he respond?
It seems smart to have a set time frame for pursuing that path (vs having it be "open ended" or "I guess I'll return home sometime if I feel like he's okay" etc). Could be a good balance between caring for him and caring for yourself. Do you think your S20 would do better with frequent reminders about not only your arrival date, but your departure date?
And it sounds like your H won't be going on that trip?
Even with everything going on in your S's life, these two points seem hopeful:
My 20 yr old son with BPD has had a rough year. He's been hospitalized three times with suicidal ideation (overdosing on various meds), was subsequently diagnosed (this helped his state of mind) is now working a job he likes (EMT, which has a higher than average suicide rate). He lives in another state across the country.
It's such a mixed bag, yet the fact that he accepts his diagnosis and is working in a meaningful (though stressful) job that he enjoys -- that is really good to read. I wonder if maybe he'll see something or hear something, from a call or from a coworker, in this line of work, that can help him continue on his journey of healing. 20 is so young and many young adults don't have a lot of "aha!" moments or profound insights into themselves until a little later. He's getting to an age where maybe some stuff that he hears and sees will stick with him and help him reflect on himself.