HI badknees,
I'm sorry that you are struggling so much with trying to keep everything in order. I can imagine how difficult it must be to want to stop her from doing something and not being able to. It sounds like she has a gambling addiction. Sadly, we cannot control another person's behavior. At the same time though you do need to take care of your own finances at the house.
I have some thoughts on the subject. It's important that you begin the conversation by not attacking her but by validating her. We have a communication skill called
DEARMAN . To start this conversation you might try to address what she gets from gambling... .maybe something like:
"I know you enjoy gambling quite a bit and that it helps you relieve stress. I think it's important that you have things you enjoy and ways to relax. It's also important that we have money to pay bills and handle emergencies that come up. Can we talk about setting a budget on how much to spend on things like slot machines and other entertainment? What do you think is a fair amount?" And then go from there.
Notice how this conversation doesn't attack her. It's unemotional and factual. It also validates her enjoyment of gambling. The questions at the end allow her to have a say in the limit.
Something my H and I do with our finances is that we each get a set amount to spend every pay period. Kind of like an "allowance". This is our money that we can spend however we want without having to give account to each other with this money. I spend my money on buying my lunch at work and clothes. He spends his on buying weed. Would that be something the two of you could work out?
If your attempt at setting limits on her gambling don't work, what do you think the next step should be?