Hello, Starless &

I'm really sorry for the frustration and pain you are going through with your Husband, but the fact that he is willing to go to Therapy is
really a great sign! So many of the members of this site cannot get their BPD loved one to agree to that, so you are one step ahead of lots of us
Have you had the chance to check out the
links to the right-hand side of this page? The
Feature Articles linked to under the photos at the top of the threads listed on this Board?
The Lessons to the right are a very valuable learning tool, and learning about
Communication using validation. What it is; how to do it and
TOOLS: S.E.T. - Support, Empathy and Truth can really help to give you a handle on how to make things better in your relationship.
If you are worried about his safety,
Depression and Suicidal Ideation can give you some good insights into understanding that, as well as
TOOLS: Dealing with threats of Suicide and Suicide Attempts. We have lots of very good educational and insightful information on this site, and coming here and telling us more of your story and asking more of your questions, can also really help. I'm so sorry for the pain and stress you are going through, Starless... .We'd love to help