Welcome, AgnesBy!
Let me join
Mutt in welcoming you here to bpdfamily, and wish for you as much help and support as I have received. It's clear you have a lot in common with many of us here. This is a community where we help each other, so I'm sure if you keep posting and reading you will find it helpful. It helps to know that you are
far from alone.
Thank you for sharing with us what you have thus far:
Help. I’m not sure what I should be doing.
From what you have written, it seems as though setting some boundaries around your husband's rages is in order. So, I agree with
Mutt that a good next right step for you to take is to stop the bleeding by diffusing as much conflict as you possibly can. Can you read the article and tell us what you think about it?
It is extremely difficult to deal with the behaviors of someone who suffers from BPD, and it can be quite confusing and terrifying at times. I am so sorry you are feeling like this, however, I'm glad to hear that you have reached out to your local support group (your husband's daughters), as that will be key to your healing and understanding. Another positive thing that you have done for yourself is reached out to us. Believe me when I say this: We understand.
I believe you will be greatly comforted by the support here and the fact that we really understand what you are going through. We've all been there to varying degrees. Take care of yourself. We will look out for future posts from you.
Keep writing, keep processing, keep learning!