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Author Topic: My bpd ex...broke me...and all I think of is that she left because of me.  (Read 1774 times)
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« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2019, 12:15:57 PM »

I didn’t realize how much I gave up in me to be with you...i relied on this relationship for all my self esteem and when it started really going bad all I did was try to hold on to it which took every bit on energy and strength I had...yes I have so much to work and I have been broken in places I have not wanted to look at for a long time...she is not responsible for my self esteem and self worth issues...as my dad says who is a brilliant psychotherapist which has probably saved my life ...when I say if I was different or more confident or had more self worth I could be with her or she would still want me...he would say if you have more self worth or self confidence you would of never looked at her twice and would of ran from her...the truth is the first day I met her I say her paranoid psychotic look...and I ignored it...there was so much I ignored but I thought I found someone who really valued relationship and deeply talking and relationship and healing through relationship...she talked such a good game...because of her recovery and reading I mean who reads Brene Brown empathy books and can turn around and give someone they say they love the silent treatment like 50 times...and not realize how hurtful they are...I have never met such a walking contradiction...and me being controlling? I had no control in the relationship...none...at the end I think she saw that she was losing me in a way and she expressed a lot of concern for how I wasn’t spending the night anymore...in couples therapy was saying that I had never treated her like that before that the night before she begged me not to talk to my dad and come straight to her and “I had to figure out if I could tolerate her” and how difficult she was to love which I never said...more projections...she never owned her own feelings it was because of someone else gave them to me to feel and hold...but I couldn’t hold my own? I had to hold hers and mine and she wasn’t interested in feeling mine let alone hers...when I got there ...we made love and she told me she adored me and I was crying and saying how much she hurt me when she could just turn away...and it felt good but in therapy I was angry and I brought into the room for the first time what really happens in the relationship where she just would leave and she didn’t want to see me and talk to me and that night she bought alcohol which she ended up pouring down the sink but of course this was because of the relationship and she was overwhelmed because of me and the relationship...nothing of her feeling and what was being brought up in her...that was an opportunity to feel together and maybe go to the next level of relating but I knew she would just break up with me and that is what she did...she told me I wore her out and that we sucked up too much energy of course this wasn’t a part of her...I wasn’t a part of her...I was responsible...instead of including me...I was alcohol...and the enemy...one of my therapist said she is a dry drunk and hasn’t dealt with WHY she drank in the first place and who ever she feels close to will bring up those places in her and I loved her and I would of no matter what...I still do, I wish I could hate her...I would still be there for her even if she is with someone else but she wants nothing to do with me..she see me as .I am the enemy...the cause of these feelings and hurt and pain
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« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2019, 12:42:48 PM »

I started with a new therapist as the last one sort of enabled the relationship...not that I didn’t play a part in that I really wanted to build a life with her and I did want to spend the rest of my life with her...but my new therapist is trying to focus on the little boy in me that as been broken for so long and been so ashamed of needing connection so deeply...and that I am anxious when that connection is broken...especially with no understanding and I have tried to give up my needs for others but it bleeds through and it can be difficult but...again she didn’t care about my needs...she only loved me when things were perfect otherwise I am a problem..maybe she even sees me as narcissist...but I never just blamed her...she could attack me so completely and in an absolute black and white way...it would hurt so bad and would be so shocking and feel so betraying...I didn’t listen the way I wished I could be it was also in a way that I don’t think I was really a part of it felt like it was an assault...regarding medication I am diagnosed bipolar II and I am on depakote and I don’t really have anxiety any more just shock and torment and confusion and at times incredible sadness and despair...I loved her so much and I would of stuck by her if she could just stick around...now I wonder about if she cheated on me during these little break ups...sometimes weeks long...she broke up with me like 10 times...in a year and treat me like I was nothing or didn’t exist even sometimes would break up if the day before we “were very in love” talking deeply and making love...she told me she could turn her feelings on and off...she told me who she was very early on...I didn’t believe she would do it to me...even though she said she had hurt so many...she always said she couldn’t stay away from me and I was the only one she ever let back in and we were different I was an idiot to believe her...and now I am nothing to her.

Hi SHanel, I'm glad you're trying to see it from another perspective and realizing that you yourself need to do some self-work. GOOD FOR YOU!
I know it hurts. Trust me I've felt this pain too as a codependent before... it's the worst thing ever because it's like "why don't you just let me love you? why don't you appreciate every good thing I've done for you?"

And that's where the problem lies... the inconsistency of the BPD will never fulfill our happiness/role as a codependent. If anything, we are better off dating narc's and usually I DO which is the odd thing in my r/s now. Like I don't know how I ended up with someone with BPD because usually I end up with NARCS because NArcissists ENJOY someone consistently loving them/praising them/giving up their life for them (as us codep.'s do). In a way, I'd rather a BPD than a NARC because at least I know the BPD person DOES actually love me during the moments they paint me white. and they do have empathy. Man oh man, have I dealt with some seriously abusive narc's where I felt lik I was suffocating and the only way to get out of it was by getting a restraining order. I'm still a somewhat weak codep. but I've gained a LOT of strength since those narc relationships.

Which is why I almost see my BPD bf as a GOOD THING. It makes me FOCUS on myself and my own PLEASE READ. Like why DO I rely on others for my happiness? Why can't I just be happy on my own? Why aren't I proud of who I am?
If you KNEW in your heart you did all the right things for your bpdgf, then you SHOULD know that it's all HER and not YOU.

You should be confident Shanel that everything you've given her is ALL you can give (no less no more) and that it STILL isn't enough for her and it will never be until she heals herself...

I always take the times away from our loved bpd's as a time to focus on ourselves. ALLOW them to ignore you. Like I've stated before, once she realizes you're ignoring her and that you're no longer "lacking confidence" in her eyes because you're doing your own thing, she will come back to you.
And if she doesn't , GOOD RIDDANCE. But I MOST LIKELY guarantee she will come back. Because lots of BPD's and NARC's do... they need their narcissistic supply. and when her new bf is not what he seems or can't match up to how much YOUVE given her (because she will compare him trust me), then she will run back, and this will be the time you make YOUR choice. Either you're strong enough/more self aware to be able to "handle her" through the bad stuff or you decide you're not strong enough yet and cut her off.

I guarantee the more you cut her off, the more she will want you for a bit until she paints you black again and despises you for not giving her the attention she feels she "deserves." I know it's hard for me to say don't be sad, even emotionally healthy people feel SAD when they're used, hurt, and dumped for someone else. It's NORMAL to feel sad. It sucks, it feels like PLEASE READ, it feels like your heart has been stomped on, it feels like you've been betrayed, etc. Just vent to us but know you're on the right path. I came on here because I just needed to vent when my PLEASE READ is going south. I just need people to listen, and give their points of views and it helps me a lot. Sometimes it helps me see where I'm going wrong because another set of eyes/ears/thoughts can view your conversation objectively  and give you their feedback.

Every time my ubpdbf dumps me or yells and calls me names I decide to tell him to leave if he actually thinks those things of me. I say "if you actually believe the horrible things you say about me then why are you with me? the door is OPEN. go. No one is forcing you to be here." And then he sometimes leaves and sometimes doesn't. They're SO emotionally unstable it's almost like they need an emotionally stable person to be with them ... and being a codepednet you are CONSISTENT for them. but NOT strong enough. that's why she says those comments to you: "you lack confidence" etc.
Although now I realize me saying those words is almost a defense too, I keep those thoughts to myself. Instead I use words like "I FEEL when you yell at me, my thoughts get CONFUSED. and yelling triggers my OWN emotional abuse as a child. I cannot respond to you until we are both feeling calm. I'm not leaving you but I need to step away for a second." Then my bf tends to calm down.

Your gf doesn't want someone weak. She almost wants someone to put her in her place when she's misbehaving. But don't take "put her in her place" as an abusive negative thing. It's more so like showing you have boundaries and morals that you also will stick to, and one of them is not tolerating their abuse. 
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« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2019, 01:13:48 PM »

I am being painfully honest...:But that is the thing...I don’t know...if I did everything right...I know I didn’t...but with the kind of treatment I got I don’t know how I could...I feel so confused about myself now...she seemed to get very vulnerable Beverly briefly and quickly switch to engulfment...just when it felt like we would have a chance of start getting more solid and she could start talking about her fear...then I would get scared in a way of “ok, but what about the pattern” how could I trust someone...who would do this to me all the time...I just felt like the connection was not even important to her we would be  enmeshed and then she would  just push me away and I could feel her going away and I would engage her there or she would do something so inconsiderate or unfeeling that was like “omg” ...I know I got incredibly anxious sometimes but she could just completely abandon me and the relationship so easily...even after being so close in a way I have never knew existed...and I even did some stalking type behavior which i NEVER have done before (I am 47  and been in a few serious relationships) I am so ashamed of that and yes she caught me once...in last February...because I felt so bewildered by the silent treatment and her ability to just to just turn her feelings off...it made me crazy...that someone could not even consider someone else’s feelings...I mean like I wasn’t even a thought in her head...like she was just saying “go away” I mean some of the times I could tell you in detail where it was like “what the hell”
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« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2019, 01:28:41 PM »

I do not appreciate being called weak...that is not fair...I am sensitive and caring and yes lack boundaries...but there was no winner with her...if I fought for myself I was still wrong, then I was selfish or she could walk away even easier...I don’t know...it is like her constantly looking at other guys in front of me as if that wasn’t hurtful...I talked about how it hurt and how part of it was just me...but she would turn it around that it was my insecurity even after she would previously say she understood and that it would hurt her and she does it because of her insecurities and then would I get upset when she did it...the rules changed...the rules always changed with her and when she wanted me to move in...no matter what it was if I did that I should have done this...if have no idea what she wanted except to not give or want or need anything she didn’t want to give when she wanted to give it and if I pushed or said I need her or wanted to see her I was immature and wrong or worse...sometimes I think I am dealing with a narcissist or maybe I am a narcissist...I have never been so confused in my life...I know I am not perfect...the furthest thing from it but I know I loved her and I wanted to know her deeply and I know through it all I would of stuck by her if she would of in the moment of conflict stop kicking me out of her house and the silent treatments and not painted me as this awful person in these black and white ways...I wonderful or evil to her and no in between...I loved her even when I hated her...I knew I still wanted to feel her when it was crazy but she just went away...and yes I am sorry I felt like I was falling apart when she did that and yes that is me...ugh...
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« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2019, 02:05:53 PM »

I want to make this clear i felt if I stood up for myself in how I was being treated or want I wanted or needed... she would say I was being defensive and not being accountable or I push and if I said this is how you make me feel...she would say “we aren’t talking about me, we are talking about you”...it would be turned into a person character attack usually in some universal black and white way...we never talked about how I felt it wasn’t a consideration except later in a far off way like it will be talked about in the future...in the moment of conflict she was gone...she is gone...so characterizing me as lacking confidence and controlling shows this conundrum...I was either a wimp or a tyrant to her...I I don’t know this is making me feel even worse in someways... like if I just handled things better she would still be her and I wouldn’t of lost her...
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« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2019, 02:34:04 PM »

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« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2019, 02:39:43 PM »

members are trying to help, Shanel. support is not always easy, and it can challenge us emotionally.

like 80% of the members who come here, youre showing some of the ten signs of twisted thinking associated with depression, you can read more about them here: https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=56199.0

can you see this?

this is not a judgment. i came here nearly nine years ago an emotional basket case. members helped me untangle, and ultimately, i found steady ground.

heres the thing. if she came back tomorrow, it would be a disaster and blow up quickly. youre in turmoil and crisis right now (understandably).

if she were to come back, youd want to be back to the upbeat, confident guy she fell for in the first place.

you would need to be able to stand strong in the face of her treatment, depersonalize it, and not be wounded by it. its a tall order.

Strength: It takes a great deal of strength and emotional stability to be in a BP relationship and not be emotionally injured by it.  A person in a weak emotional state, who feels wounded/abused, or depressed is likely to be consumed by the relationship, confused by the intense rages and idealization, and finding their self worth in decline.  If you chose this path, you've got to be very strong and very balanced.


none of this is a guarantee for making the relationship "work". it takes just as much strength to say "this isnt for me". but losing yourself is no way to navigate a relationship.

so lick your wounds with our help. think it through (you dont have to decide now).

what do you think?

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« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2019, 03:15:32 PM »

I don’t want this to come out badly or that I don’t appreciate you all being here...I do...and I have a lot of work to do on myself of how I even ended up with this person...I am so confused...everything I have read on here says that they can not genuinely love or really feel themselves that almost everything is a projection...and what I am getting upset by is there is an implication that if I was stronger and did this or that she wouldn’t be who she is...my feelings did not matter to her and I had to give up mine to keep the imaginary connection...she had no interest in how I felt or what I needed...I thought she was capable of more as a person...I am in turmoil now not just because of the relationship ending but how she forgot me and moved on to some else so quickly and her complete person attacks on me...that I am the problem solely...I am not saying you guys aren’t trying to help...I appreciate it...but how can you be in a loving relationship where you are blamed for everything...and how do you stay in a relationship in which someone just keeps leaving...she is gone for good...what I take offense to is saying that if I was “stronger” then the relationship might work...that if I could of been different then she would be different...i feel like I tried everything to hear here and she even told me she never felt so loved and then she would get engulfed in sometimes a 3 day period or overnight when I needed her...and  some of the members are saying contradictory things...most say their is nothing you can do...that there is only room for one person feelings and one persons needs...how can someone be confident in s situation like that and if you were confident WHY WOULF YOU WANT THIS? how can you be confident when you have an amazing weekend with someone and they yo-yo with no thought or consideration and hurt your feelings and you even apologize for possibly overreacting in anyway then then give you the silent treatment all day and then they break up with you and go on tinder the next day after this amazing weekend...how are you suppose to be confident with someone like that? Someone who checks out other people in front of you constantly in front of you and then gaslights you about it and then says you are insecure even she admitted she does it because she is...but it’s suppose to hurt me...and who can turn her feeling on and off...and just leave for day or weeks...who can make love to you and tell you all this stuff and say they are in love with you and then flip out on you and leave...over and over again...and then permanently...HOW WOULD ONE EVER BE CONFIDENT IN THAT RELATIONSHIP...but some of you are saying if I was stronger and had better boundaries she wouldn’t do what she does...she has l  I feel like some of what I am expressing is coming out wrong...yes I have so much work on...so much...but how do you have a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to understand and feel each other? I did plenty wrong but how do you have a relationship with someone who just blames the other solely and completely and in an absolute way? And then just leaves?
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« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2019, 04:01:29 PM »

I am sorry for missing words etc...at work...I hope it makes sense
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« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2019, 04:13:34 PM »

And I am starting to think she “cheated” on me all the time when we had our “break ups” and this is the woman who said she couldn’t trust me...I never even looked at another woman...I didn’t want anyone else...and every time I thought we were moving forward towards living together and making solid plans something would happen were I would turn into this evil person to her...
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« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2019, 04:23:36 PM »


do you want to vent your feelings and be validated/heard, or do you want to concentrate on reversing a breakup?

both are valid. they are two very different kinds of support.

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« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2019, 04:56:53 PM »

I feel like a lot of confusion is going on...No I don’t want to reverse the break up...she is not capable of a relationship...it almost killed me literally...she doesn’t care about me and never did...despite all things she said in the last year...all the plans and intimate moments, telling you how no one has ever made them feel more loved and no one has ever been there for them more...and be able to turn their back on you as you don’t exist...how can you be in a relationship with someone the closer you get to them and become more a part of them the more then want to get away from you or hate you... yes I wanted her to be capable of feeling and being a person that could feel empathy and want to work through relationship problems and not split...i am confused...I am saying exactly how I can’t be in the relationship...because there was no other person to feel in the relationship...yes I am heartbroken over that...I feel upset because of her absolute attacks on me in the end that it is JUST ME...that I am this awful person...despite all the things she told me that are the opposite...that she played no part...and I am upset at some on this board saying if I was I was different It might have worked...that somehow if I was different she would have A SELF...or not be cruel or split or ...there is a part of me that is afraid she was absolutely right about me and because of my self doubt lack of self worth and the brainwashing that kept me in this relationship in the first place...another way that feels like her attacks and ways of splitting which made it impossible to have any kind of relationship...it wasn’t like she split me and then came back to me and apologized (she rarely apologized for anything) or was embarrassed...or was like omg Shane I am so sorry for hurting you...I had to beg her back and it was sort of talked about again in some sort of far away way...that there would be more understanding and connection but that never happened it was spliced as if it never happened and then something else would happen or if I did bring it up again she would be like we already talked about this...I need to be validated in short that this was indeed impossible and I tried everything to make it work...I didn’t leave her she left AGAIN...this time permanently under another black white irrational reason in which she took no responsibility for the dynamic at play...that is not a relationship...it is abuse...the constant break ups were abusive, the silent treatment was abusive...I was not perfect but I know what I did was in reaction to extreme stress and crazy making behavior and I loved her I love her still...but no I don’t want her back I would not survive...but yes I am still heartbroken because the woman I fell in with never existed...
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« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2019, 05:09:48 PM »

I miss the life I thought I was going to have with her...I miss her daughter...I miss her daughters friends...I miss the laughs and the private jokes...I miss the person who told me she never felt so loved and cared for or known..the person who said “I can tell you anything” that told me she didn’t ever feel alone with...yes i miss the woman who told me she wanted to marry me...I miss her smile her laugh...her body...the way sounded when she came...I miss us making love, holding each which she said was the sex and holding each other was unlike anything she had ever know...that I played her like an instrument...the woman who told me I was the most handsome and sexiest man she had ever been with...and had never been so close to anyone in her life except for a couple of friends in college...but in never in a romantic relationship and she loved me for my sensitivity and affection and passion...that she said we could never find what we have with anyone else and the sex alone people would marry for...but now all I am is jealous, possessive, insecure, lacking confidence, controlling and I tried to control her life...so and now I mean nothing to her and she moved on to someone else so yes I am pretty broken up about that and I don’t know what to believe anymore...about anyone or anything even myself.
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« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2019, 05:14:09 PM »

And to answer your question she does not come back to people ...I begged her back for her to make herself vulnerable like that would mean she would have to feel feelings that would make her afraid she would be annihilated...the feelings I am feeling...that we feel...she can’t and if she could feel them...then this wouldn’t be happening in the first place...
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« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2019, 05:21:06 PM »

No I don’t want to reverse the break up


Bettering/Reversing is a high level, advanced board for learning relationship skills and examining our role in relationship conflict.

i would encourage you to start a new thread on the Detaching board. members there are going through what you are and are working the stages of grief.

if you change your mind, or if you hear from her, you can (should) return to this board.

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« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2019, 06:27:48 PM »

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This thread has reached its post limit and has been continued in another thread here: https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=339605.msg13077351#msg13077351

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