Going into the relationship, I had no idea it would be so therapeutic. I thought I had found my Prince Charming, perfect in every way
I had him on such a high pedestal there was nowhere for him to go but down, and when he fell off and crashed, so did I! I fell hard and smashed into a million pieces.
I've since realized that we both had very similar issues in the early days... . Very emotionally immature. I wanted to finger point and blame him for the demise of what could have been so wonderful, a fairytale really. I was extremely vulnerable, recently divorced and wanted to turn him into my future 'perfect' husband that would never leave me; put heavy-duty expectations on him to fit that role.
I've grown up a lot in this relationship and don't believe in fairytale endings, not like that anyway. You have to actually get to know someone before giving them the title of Mr. My Prince Charming Now Behave Like One
All (kinda) kidding aside, I was also trying to be his perfect partner, only I didn't know him very well and kinda sorta thought I had an idea of what he was looking for. Never dawned on me that he was actually looking for 'me' - who am I? He seemed to test me and I'd try to pass the tests by trying to figure out his angle and how he'd expect me to react. My focus had always been 'other focused', so I was good at figuring stuff like this out, or so I thought... .
I failed every single test! He still wasn't Mr. My Prince Charming Now Behave Like One. I was also having a serious crisis with my Mom at this time... . She was expecting, no DEMANDING that I be someone I'm not. Ding Ding Ding, am I behaving like my mother with Mr. My Prince Charming Now Behave Like One? OMG, no way! OMG, yes way!
I did a 180* and acted the total opposite. Not exactly the right thing to do either, as I still wasn't being myself or getting the Prince.
Who am I and what do I want?
I started getting involved in things I'd always had an interest in. Psychology being one of those things, which brought me to this wonderful place I read and tried to really take in what was working or not from others. I didn't want to let either relationship go. I learned about Boundaries for the first time in my life, because I didn't have any. I knew when things felt icky, but had no idea what to do with those feelings. Blame myself for them? Blame someone else for them? No one's to blame for them? They're just feelings? Huh? I don't HAVE to act on them? I then learned to sit with my anxiety, another foreign concept, and the world didn't end.
Now we're getting places... .
Once the reality of me took hold, the nuts and bolts of some of my own disordered behaviors and beliefs, I opened up a lot to the world around me. No longer living in my head, searching for an agenda... . Things became clearer.
I am choosing to stay in this relationship because I want to. Because I really like him as a person (not an Idea or a Fantasy), and the more I get to know him the more I appreciate him, I enjoy his company, we have a lot of fun together and do interesting things; we have a lot in common.
The frustrating moments have actually been growth spurts or growing pains in a way, forcing me to think and feel outside of the (constructed) box and to get more involved with interests of my own, building myself up as a whole person - not a shattered soul.
I've realized that it takes 2 to make or break a relationship, but we're always individuals with our own separate identities. Accept people for who they are, not for who you wish them to be. I've found out that they're even more interesting than I ever could have imagined