would you suggest getting a different bank account.
My $.02: Opening an account in just your name and a credit card in just your name... .using a different address, perhaps a PO Box sound like a reasonable precaution for you to take. If she doesn't find out about it, she won't get upset about it.
Moving your paycheck into a separate account would be a provocation for sure. But it would protect you some.
Moving joint savings (or half of them) to a separate account would also be a provocation.
Before you do either of those options, I've got few questions:
Have you and your wife had problems or arguments over money?
Do you and she have similar incomes?
Do you own a house, and if so, is there a lot of equity in it?
Do you have joint enough joint savings to be significant to you?
All these things would influence my feelings on joint vs. separate accounts, and how soon I'd shift something.
If you are actually served divorce papers, that obviously changes the game.
I did have a phone conversation with a lawyer today. I am meeting with a lawyer in person on Monday.
I've read some stuff in our legal board, and one phrase I've read a few times is "high conflict divorce". Lawyers may not know much about BPD/NPD as such, but this is their term for the sort of things that come up in a nasty BPD/NPD divorce/custody dispute. In your shoes I'd ask the lawyer about his experience with high conflict divorces.
Other than that, all I can say is hang in there, and take good care of yourself, and keep doing what you can to improve things.