Welcome to the parenting board. I'm glad you've found the Detaching board useful - is that where you wanted to post?
Is it just a time thing or can anyone offer any advice on speeding up the detachment process?
You sound like a very caring person who once deeply loved his wife. It's a complex situation isn't it, we must feel something for that person who we shared so much with, it's not all bad memories. Watching others make mistakes or bad choices is incredibly difficult.
From a Parenting perspective, you've asked a great question. Can we speed up the detaching process?
I believe we can. In my view, and I'm not a doctor or a professional, our emotions are within our unconscious part of our brain. The conscious brain knows that it's had enough pain but it struggles to overpower the stronger unconscious part of ourselves (in the same way as an addict will know that they need to stop). The unconscious thought is set into a pattern of thinking and it's this that needs to be broken. I believe we can train our mind to think differently through repetition of more positive actions. The more we try and battle the negative thoughts, the more those negative patterns are reinforced. I think that's why I was stuck for so long trying to change my adult son. I finally set him free, whilst at the same time, focussed on my life and my own desires of how I wanted to live my life. I practise self care, REAL self care, this means doings things that make me happy and leaving others (respectfully) to make their own choices.
I'm detached as I'm only responsible for myself. I've completely changed my life in this process and this has helped me be the person who I want to be.
You've got a couple of kids thrown into this mix so it's complicated for you.
How are your kids doing?