Hi Kaw,
Welcome to the family! I've read your post a few times and I understand you are in therapy and your family is hardened against him as you say. Are you hoping to stay with him and find tools to help improve things in the relationship? I was never quite sure if I belonged on the Saving, Improving, or Conflicted board when I made my first posts, but I soon realized that Improving felt like a nice place to visit (best fit my mindset) because I ultimately wanted tools to improve my relationship and improve my personal communication. (Though it is interesting to look in every nook and cranny on this site!)
It sounds like you may be most focused on Improving
yourself? I think the
Basic Tools and
Lessons on the right side of the board made me feel a lot better even when I was not 100% sure I could keep doing this kind of relationship. It gave me important insights and a sense of relief that I was not just imagining these things. The boards themselves just made feel more understand and like I was not alone. There is lot here!
Hope you find some peace with these tough issues!
I understand the need to want to protect yourself from further pain. Are you interested in ways to reduce your personal suffering? I would recommend the links to Wisemind (it helps you rethink your own approach) and Don't Be Invalidating. (Helps you understand how to speak with someone with BPD issues).