Hi everyone... .I'm new, but so relieved to hopefully find some support. I just finished reading Walking On Eggshells and it was so spot on with many things I experience in my daily life as a wife. Even when dating my husband, I knew something wasn't quite normal. Every now and then I'd see that explosive anger and pushing me away over minor things that would usually not warrant that response from someone (like a trigger that I didn't realize was there). I suppose I should also mention that I am American and he is Scottish, so we have always had the added stress of mixing different cultural backgrounds and family values... .not to mention the stress of either me living abroad or, now, him living abroad.
I have always been extremely attracted to my husband's ambition, work ethic, and confidence. He is the only man I know that works tirelessly to achieve not only his dreams, but to help my achieve mine. Because of that and so many other amazing qualities, I wanted to stick with him. I learned to be the one who defused a situation when he got angry, instead of being the one who got to act out in anger. Our first year of marriage was intense and confusing, but, as someone previously diagnosed with anxiety and obsessive thoughts, I was dealing with my own mental instability and not very focused on his.
After a year of marriage, things had gotten smoother... .we had worked through a lot... .and we were surprised to find out I was pregnant, but were both very excited. I had a difficult pregnancy and my husband helped me through it while working over time.
When our first daughter was a year old, after moving to the States, we went on a family vacation to the beach, and the whole time we were there was the moment I realized that there was something going on that was not normal. That's when I discovered BPD. He has not been officially diagnosed, but meets almost all of the criteria apart from self harm. There have been moments when I have brought BPD up and he has admitted it fits him completely and other times when he has denied having absolutely any symptoms... .it just depends on the moment. I don't want to be one of these people who constantly psychoanalyze and force a diagnosis on him, so for the most part, I keep it to myself. Really, learning about BPD it is a way for me to cope and better understand how to respond when he is triggered.
We have been married for 6 years and have gone through many ups and downs... .as you all may understand like many others cannot. Last year was, all at once, one of the best years of my life (we had our second perfect baby girl and bought our first home... .things seemed perfect for us) and the worst (in December, I found out my husband had a short affair with a coworker). We have seen a Christian marriage counselor some and I am prepared to keep doing the hard work it takes to have a successful marriage. I just finally took the time to join a group like this and maybe seek some support from others in the same situation, because, for the most part, I feel very alone and unable to completely relate to many other wives and moms, I guess.
Thanks for reading my long introduction. I look forward to meeting you.