Welcome, Mohala!
Let me join
Harley Quinn in welcoming you here to bpdfamily and wish for you as much help and support as I have received. It's clear you have a lot in common with many of us here. This is a community where we help each other, so I'm sure if you keep posting and reading you will find it helpful.
Thank you for sharing what you have thus far:
I'm unsure if this is really mandatory, however, this is where I was directed. My very recent ex has BPD.
It sounds like you have really had a tough time, and I'm sorry for that. One thing that can greatly help with allaying some emotional trauma is understanding. And, it sounds like you are willing to understand BPD better, and that is a great start, in my opinion. Luckily, you've found our website which can help you in that regard in spades. When you're ready, you can start by reading the site articles and by doing the Tools and Lessons located in the right panel of this page that make sense for you. The other thing that you'll find here is support for
You have landed on the Family Board, and the person in your life with BPD is an ex significant other. So, don't be surprised or worried if the moderators move this post to another board. It will be done just so your post will have the proper exposure it deserves.
Feel free to make yourself at home here. When you're ready, could you give us some sort of backstory, so we'll know how best to help you?
I believe you will be greatly comforted by the support here and the fact that we really understand what you are going through. We've all been there to varying degrees. Take care of yourself. We will look out for future posts from you.
Keep writing, keep processing, keep learning!