Hi and welcome to the board though I am sorry for what being you here. You have found a place here where people get it and can relate so I hope you settle in and read and post and jump into other threads. It sounds like you need a lot of support right now and we can help with that. Things can get better.
I told my husband he needs to go to treatment take care of himself and me too and we will see when he gets back... one step at a time... im so comfused and hurting... i feel like he is my husband and i should stand by him no matter what... aarrgghh any thoughts from this group... thank you for listening spokane1
I think this is a good especially because he is the one who wants inpatient treatment. If he were not willing, that would be different as we can't force someone to get help.
In the meantime, you can learn communication tools that can improve things for you while you are separated. They can also help you with your mom who, as Mutt said, is means well but is not really being helpful. Have you had a chance to do some reading here? We have tons of articles and such but I am not sure which ones to talk about yet. I hope you share some more and maybe some specific things you would like some help with.