Oh Safhaven - you made my heart swell.
I do not share my emotions easily and never publically- this posting is new for me
Sharing light and love doesn't lessen the joy ... .but often sharing struggles and sadness lessens the burden. And and and, I do hope that you come to feel that you CAN share (be it here or anywhere else) and that it allows others to help shoulder the emotions and make sense of (or more likely just commiserate) with the chaos those close to us have the power to create.
I will be very honest, I almost quit/took a leave from my job. I lost 20+pounds. I felt nothing but absolute fear for hours (sometimes even days) at a time. I opened up to a lot of people ... .because once I did ... .I couldn't stop. I turned into myself at all other times. I was constantly nauseated. I physically shook whenever our landline rang. I hid in my room at work (I'm a teacher). I snapped at everyone (aka students stepping out of line ... .sometimes LITERALLY when an 11 year old stepped out of line). I had to steel myself when looking at messages from her (she, too, only communicates electronically unless she's feeling particularly nasty then she may choose to call 3 times in the middle of the night to berate violently or simply leave dead air or hang up). I constantly needed to know where she was (she lives 2 hours away) and would creep her fb (I don't have fb, but my husband does), reach out to friends - hers and our mutual.
She was destroying my life.
I entered therapy with the sole goal of feeling as little guilt as possible when one of her many 'claimed' suicide attempts was successful. What a horrible HORRIBLE place to be. But that was my reality.
Through therapy and by attending naranon (like AA or alanon - it's a 12-step program for those who have family members or friends with addiction) ... .I came to the sad realization that she wasn't destroying my life ... .I WAS DESTROYING MY OWN LIFE. It was an awful realization ... .then ... .it was an amazing revelation. Although she was destroying HER life, I couldn't do ANYTHING about that unless she was interested in making changes. However, I COULD make some changes in MY LIFE. And i have.
Now, i will fully admit that there is an unfortunately good possibility that she will take her own life (or she'll piss someone off and things will go south FAST) ... .and this is our/her reality if things continue they way they are. But ... .I have accepted this reality, I cannot change this reality, but I can be grateful for this day and that she is alive and has a chance for tomorrow with or without me in her life. I am here for her ... .but I am not her verbal or physical punching bag. I am so grateful she does not live with us (I don't know how I'd cope). We will help her with anything we morally are comfortable with, but the boundary is - she has to ask. (She set a boundary for us ... .and a reasonable one, to stop offering unsolicited and therefore unwanted, advice.) Thus if she says ... .man my house is cold ... .my comment is "geez that's rough,I do not like being cold" I may even add "are the cats snuggling you?". She is making an observation, I am returning the same. I no longer jump in and ask if the furnace is on, did she get the windows sealed for winter, she should put on a sweater, etc.
At the end of the day, I have to be ok. And I am the only one capable of making that happen (although I can have help to get there!). Mental illness or addiction ... .choice or circumstance... .she, at 28, is in charge of her life. I would help in a heartbeat, if it was wanted or welcomed. I'm a fixer- it's what I do. Or perhaps, what I have always done . So instead of trying to fix others and make them perfect like ME apparently (total tongue in cheek there!), I am working on fixing me to be the best ME I can be and trying to love myself while I'm at it.
She's messed up and so am I... .might just was well put my energy where it has the potential to be the most effective! And that's on ME! Because then maybe, just maybe, if and when she is ready to make some changes in her life, I'll be healthy enough to support her instead of feeling the need to do it for her or tell her how or why. Maybe by then, she'll be able to trust me to trust her! And maybe I'll be actually able to trust her too.
P.s. in no way does this mean I am serene and blissful all the time not does it mean I don't give a crap about my kid. Nah ... .I'm pretty damn scared and sad. But most days, with conscious effort of necessary, I can get on with MY life and live it ... .just like she is doing with hers (we just both happen to dislike the other's approach and choices ... .cause hers are fricken crazy LOL)