Hi Boogie74, thanks for updating us with where you're at.
I hear you going over the facts of passport photos here. Believe me, I know what it's like to have a bad one!
and I am able to use my rational brain to understand facts about those pictures. Sounds like her BPD lenses are impacting her ability to have facts be comforting or deescalating. This makes sense:
explaining that it’s a PASSPORT photo is invalidating her anxieties
You're right -- JADE-ing is rarely helpful or effective in these situations. It's good you can recognize that.
Am I reading correctly that the photos have already been taken, and she is still upset after the fact?
What tools that you've picked up here have you tried in these interactions so far, and how did that go? I.e., instead of JADE-ing, did using a SET statement, or validating the valid, etc, seem to "turn down the heat"?