As well, every woman I met seemed so fantastic that I thought that I should be in the running for a Nobel Prize for making the discovery, as your judgement is blinded by the litres of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine surging through your veins.
Came here for this today. Sometimes I just need a little "boost" from this board and this was it today.
Last year I waded cautiously into the dating app pool, careful to vet all prospects and run away at the first sign of any red flags. My goal was to find a "normal" girl. In fact, I was so selective that I only matched and chatted with maybe 1 or 2 girls a month, and didn't end up meeting any of them. Taking it SLOW. Then a goddess appeared out of the mist. As in objectively beautiful and incredibly sweet and personable. We even had one mutual friend who said she was "sweet... but sometimes spicy"

. And another mutual friend who advised me to run away

. But of course all I heard from these two pieces of advice was "sweet".
And she continued to be sweet. Things were great for several months until our first minor disagreement yesterday.
We'd spent a whole day together last weekend. We both kept saying how much fun we were having. Of course she said it was the best day ever. Lots of snuggles... Slept together... Had a great morning and parted ways. Saw each other again during the week. All good.
Then yesterday was a rainy day. Literally rainy. Thunder all day. We had plans to meet in the afternoon. Talked on the phone and she told me I was too negative for her. Said I brought bad vibes and she really hadn't even enjoyed our previous weekend together (there were zero signs of this during the actual weekend - all smiles and cuddles and laughter). There was really no specific "problem" - just a re-framing of much of the past several weeks. Our budding relationship had actually been pretty terrible the whole time, to hear her now tell it. Completely painted black and now getting the silent treatment after this phone call. Just a shocking change from 100% commitment to 0%. Overnight. I could show you the text messages - "good night - can't wait to see you tomorrow" - and then one phone call in the morning and ghosted. I also have a strange feeling the weather had something to do with her feelings. She also ghosted me on a cold snowy day in January and popped up a couple days later like nothing had happened. But that could be a coincidence.
Now I know from previous experience that she may not be fully done with this relationship. Maybe she is, but maybe there's a recycle. The hard part is - she's truly a gorgeous human and seemingly ultra sweet at times. So much charisma.
As quoted above, I have so much dopamine surging through my brain that I'm slightly numb. However, this ain't my first rodeo. It seems easier to see what's going on this time. I may even stick around for one or two recycles. It really is that good when it's good. And the only

so far is just this single day of ghosting. I'm already justifying it. It was only one day, right? I'm probably overreacting. This may not even be BPD... but my gut instinct is telling me it is. The hairs on the back of my neck are saying it is. I've seen this before. This is how it begins to show itself. We'll see how it goes.