What are some other options at dealing with false accusations?
I've leaned not to JADE.
That's really good. You've probably read here somewhere -- before we can start making things better, we have to stop making things worse. Ending JADE-ing is a great move to stop adding fuel to the fire
In this scenario when she made the accusation I said, "I am at work and nothing more".
Didn't seem to deescalate.
I'm not surprised that the response didn't de-escalate the situation.
To be frank, she felt unheard.
Listening for the feelings behind her words will be a good next skill to build.
Put yourself in her shoes. If you really believed -- if it really felt true -- that your spouse was having an affair, how would that feel? I'm not saying what is true or what anyone is actually doing. I'm really getting at -- how
would it feel, if it
were happening (which it isn't)? This is a critical distinction for having a chance to have effective communication.
I know that if I believed my husband were being unfaithful to me, I'd feel: betrayed, wounded, discarded, and alone, to name a few.
What might be happening is that because pwBPD struggle to connect how they feel to what is actually going on, they may have a feeling, not really identify that it is happening inside themselves (as they struggle to have a sense of self), and try to look out in the world to see what might be "making them" feel that way. My hunch is that your W is feeling lonely, alone, and/or afraid, doesn't have the skills or sense of self to say "this feeling is coming from inside of me", and tries to come up with a scenario that would make sense of how intense the feeling is. What could possibly make someone feel so alone, so abandoned, so betrayed? Well, an affair, right?
Can you imagine living a life where huge feelings came up inside of you, you had no idea why, and it was hard to identify that it was your feeling? It would be a terrifying and destabilizing existence, and you'd be deeply driven to find external (stable) reasons for your feelings.
I suspect that's going on (likely subconsciously) for your W.
When she says "you're having an affair, aren't you", she's expressing feelings behind those words. When she hears "I'm at work and that's it", her feelings haven't been heard and she escalates.
What are some other options at dealing with false accusations?
What if you responded with a validating question or comment?
Remember that validation is
-agreeing with her no matter what
-making her feel better
-saying the words to check a box/move things along
-being positive
-saying "I hear you, but..."
-you having to believe the same things
-giving the correct information
-correcting misperceptions
-having your say
-patronizing her
-smiling and nodding, but seething inside
True emotional validationis putting yourself in her shoes, thinking of how you would feel if you really believed what she says, and finding common ground that way so that she really feels like you heard her feelings.
Validating questions and responses to "you're having an affair, aren't you" could be:
"Oh babe... you think I'm cheating on you?"
"That would be so painful to think I would do that"
"Even though I'm not, that would be frightening to believe I was"
"Yeah, sometimes people do worry when their spouse is away"
"You think I'm having an affair? Are you worried that I don't love you, or might leave?"
(Body language and tone are really important here, too -- these are genuine questions that pay attention to her, not sneering/sarcastic "I can't believe you actually think that").
If you believe she struggles with BPD, then your task is to be the emotional leader in the relationship. It's a lot and it won't feel fair -- but she's "emotionally blind" and
cannot lead the two of you out of where you find yourself: you're deeply hurt by her accusations and defend yourself; she feels unheard/blown over and increases hurtful low skill moves to get a hearing. Someone has to end the cycle; if she has BPD, then it's time for you to emotionally take the lead and set the tone.
Hard stuff. Any thoughts?