What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single
Posts: 424
« Reply #90 on: June 27, 2011, 11:38:36 AM » |
um my highest was 66% Borderline... .Now I'm scared.
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single
Posts: 424
« Reply #91 on: June 27, 2011, 11:43:00 AM » |
Just took it again, and again 66% Borderline was the highest. FML
« Reply #92 on: June 27, 2011, 09:35:08 PM » |
Oh my!
Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 58% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||| 50% 47%
Histrionic |||||||||| 34% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 50% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 39%
Dependent |||||| 22% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive|||||| 30% 40%
Well... .if I have to have a PD, I guess Cluster A is the way to go ?
(let's hope I really don't)
I totally own up to the paranoid thing. I really do have a major problem with that. I've gotten better, but even today I decided a coworker thought I was an unqualified moron, and truthfully that is just based on a "feeling."
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
I'm definitely uncomfortable in close relationships. I keep people at arm's length. I have many acquaintances, a bunch of close friends that I've known for a long time... .BUT... .I don't live near my close friends and I'm reluctant to let people in. I stopped dating as well. I recently moved to a new city and am meeting new people, but I hesitant to develop close friendships. I wish I didn't feel this way.
I don't know about the thought or perceptual distortions, or the peculiar behavior - I think I act normally ? Who knows for sure? I don't dress like an eccentric, in fact I wish I had the fashion sense to do so but I don't... .
Waiting to Exhale
« Reply #93 on: September 19, 2011, 12:58:59 PM » |
I scored a 78% on the borderline scale... that's kind of scarily high. Next highest is paranoid personality disorder. I think the high score for borderline because being raised by someone who more than likely has it can REALLY mess up your outlook on a LOT of things. Not to mention mom's quite paranoid too.
« Reply #94 on: September 21, 2011, 11:29:28 AM » |
Ok so I found this really funny because I took this a long time ago and I scored low on everything. I retook it, after much therapy and tested much higher on them. Even got 78% on OCDpd. And 60% on BPD. I find it pretty funny because I think it has to do with more willingness to admit "issues" and also seeing more grey area and keeping my answers in the middle range. Not worried though Just find it pretty amusing. (as a p.s. I am likely closer to avoidant PD but got a low score on that )
« Reply #96 on: September 21, 2011, 04:22:55 PM » |
It helps to read the directions. Thanks for pointing that out, Magenta. I wonder if that's a personality trait related issue? LOL Paranoid 30% Schizoid 14% Schizotypal 10% Antisocial 42% Borderline 26% Histrionic 30% Narcissistic 34% Avoidant 18% Dependent 18% Obsessive-Compulsive 46% Shocking. OC is the highest for me. NO? The OCD in me is trying to figure out what I answered that made me antisocial and narcissistic, though, too.
« Reply #97 on: September 21, 2011, 07:49:58 PM » |
Schzoid - 70%, everything else lower than average. Meh. No real surprises. Always worried about the whole schizophrenia thing - I fit in way too well with mathematicians.
« Reply #98 on: September 21, 2011, 11:50:28 PM » |
Personality Disorder Test Results Paranoid |||||||||||| 50% 49% Schizoid |||||||||| 34% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||| 34% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 47% Borderline |||||| 30% 47% Histrionic |||||| 30% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 62% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||| 50% 39% Dependent |||||| 22% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 40% In my defense, I'm a performer so I have to be super confident to make it through a performance. I'm not avoidant as much as burnt out on humanity! I like to think of myself as more focused and driven than obsessive-compulsive.
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2011, 07:33:00 AM » |
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 70% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||||| 54% 47%
Everything else below average. I can remember taking this test before and getting much different results. I didn't rate as paranoid before I figured out that everyone actually is totally out to get me! As I had surrounded myself with freaks who felt like home, and now that I've purged most of them I'm dead scared of picking up a new batch. The truth is that the majority of people do not trigger any sort of warning for me, but I focus a lot harder on the ones who do. I was thinking of people who set off my alarms when I took the test, not normal people.
I think the anti-social result is new too. I'm actually not sure where that came from. Schizoid has remained steady, and avoidant has completely dropped off the map.
Anti-social just means you're insensitive to other people. It fits pretty well with narcissism, I think. (Yeah, this explanation IS in the directions. Haha! You guys. )
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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
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Everything is as it is meant to be.
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2011, 10:47:55 AM » |
I have done this three times now over the last few months
Highest ever was narssisistic 58%.
Todays score is as follows.
Paranoid 30% 49%
Schizoid 42% 53%
Schizotypal 30% 53%
Antisocial 42% 47%
Borderline 38% 47%
Histrionic 30% 43%
Narcissistic 46% 41%
Avoidant 34% 39%
Dependent 30% 37%
O-C 38% 40%
« Reply #101 on: September 23, 2011, 09:25:10 PM » |
My scores... . WD Ave
Paranoid |||| 18% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 42% 53%
Schizotypal |||| 18% 53%
Antisocial |||| 18% 47%
Borderline |||||| 30% 47%
Histrionic |||||| 26% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 50% 41%
Avoidant |||| 14% 39%
Dependent |||| 14% 37%
Compulsive |||||||||| 34% 40%
Hmmm? I have Narcissistic traits? Hard for me to fathom this? I think I tend to be way too empathic towards others... .Interesting?
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Parent
Posts: 387
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2011, 06:36:43 PM » |
It says I lean towards paranoid with borderline being 2nd on the list, and narcissistic third, . I've been dx'd w/ ptsd, and told that I do not have BPD by therapists. A lot of fleas, but that’s learned behavior, not emotionally/internally driven. Also since my parents just visited I'm guessing that might have skewed the results since I'm a bit on edge and have been fighting off 's like crazy. Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness. Amusingly the friends I make I keep, I don't tend to be all over the board emotionally unless my ptsd is flaring up and then it's more of a lack of focus than anything else, and the only times I'm impulsive (which I can be, but usually only after I've made up my mind to allow myself to do something ie: I've decided to buy a car, I've gone to 3 dealers and I decided *this one* is the one I want). Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening. I'm not sure that I'd say that I interpret the actions of others as threatening, but until I know someone I'm not going to assume that friendship/altruism is driving their motives. Plus as I said, my parents just came for a visit and listening to mom's “Everyone is out to get you!” speeches it’s kind of hard not to feel a little extra leary, . SC
LOL, apparently my greatest flaw is that I misread the directions. I reread the directions on the test & realized that the scale didn't work the way I assumed it did >.< oops. Retaking it using the correct scale I ended up with 53% Narcassistic, 23% borderline, and 18% paranoid, :-P though I'd be interested in what a test actually geared towards narcassistic traits spat out for an answer since I think that this one mixes narcasism and perceived self-worth. SC
« Reply #103 on: September 24, 2011, 09:40:08 PM » |
Paranoid 10% 49%
Schizoid 30% 53%
Schizotypal 10% 53%
Antisocial 34% 47%
Borderline 10% 47%
Histrionic 10% 43%
Narcissistic 50% 41%
Avoidant 10% 39%
Dependent 10% 37%
OCD 18% 40%
« Reply #104 on: September 24, 2011, 10:30:52 PM » |
My numbers are,
Paranoid 42
Schizoid 62
Schizotypal 14
Antisocial 34
Borderline 26 and thank God
Histrionic 30
Narcissistic 58 ouch
Avoidant 30
Dependent 46
Obsessive comp 74 SEVENTY FOUR!
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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Child
Relationship status: Married to DH since 1976
Posts: 4926
« Reply #105 on: September 24, 2011, 11:50:18 PM » |
I have been feeling kind of messed up - disconnected - not belonging in my family. Fear that the reality is I am the BPD and my DD is just the scapegoat for me to maintain my sense of sanity in our family dynamic. I have been shifting in a downward spiral slowly the past 3 months that DD25 has been back in our home -making good choices for herself (at least relative to choices most of the rest of her life) and reconnecting to gd6 in some ways. Shifting power alignment - dh shifting away from me toward DD and her bfG attitudes and ideas, esp with the dogs and with gd6 routines and behaviors.
Then I was in hospital 5 days on IV antibiotics for an infection - doing fine from that. But dynamics in household have passed out of my 'control'. And i believe i have been struggling to manage myself and my life here with control of many many details in the household. And now many of those seem to be in question. I feel very lost and alone and confused - depressed and sad.
Gd6 is clinging to me - the rules for her have changed too. I have been home about 10 days now, got reassurance that I am "doing the right things with gd" at sessions last week with pdoc and T - have not seen them since March 2011. Yet do not trust or believe this once back in the family situation.
Am I so distracted that I do not really know what is going on around me?
So think it is time for me to work on this board a bit - along with working with my T if I can get him to see how distressed I really am. His point to me was that I need to find the balance with my boundaries to protect the family I have with gd6 and dh. Yet DD and bfG are here now and dh seems to want them to stay - he is gaining personal power with them here somehow too.
YIKES - this is all so crazy making for me. Maybe I will copy this into a new thread and try to listen to feedback from all you other senior members here. I am feeling fragile, and remember this is about my DD, not my lover or partner that I 'chose'. I have tried the NC and VLC. It is better trying to build a healtier relationship with her, and in fact she may be getting healthier in many ways. But I am struggling to accept this - do I just miss the drama
To be continued... .
qcr xoxo
The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. (Dom Helder)
« Reply #106 on: September 28, 2011, 01:26:54 PM » |
Hmmmm - my paranoid number was only 18% compared to 49% for the average. That makes me wonder what everyone else knows that I do not know? Maybe the test is making me more paranoid. . .
My numbers generally came out low except for Avoidant which was 42% and Narcissistic also at 42% but my numbers were close to those for the average. I am not surprised by Avoidant - I definitely plan to stay away from relationships for the time being and my answers reflected that although I think that may be more situational than my true personality. The Narcissistic score surprises me but if my number is the same as "average" than perhaps I am normally narcissistic? If the narcissistic number was low - would that mean low self-esteem?
What can we interpret from this test if many of our numbers are very low? Looking back over the questions and the "average" results - maybe I am too trusting and not paranoid enough?
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: the last time we broke up will also be my final one July 17
Posts: 105
« Reply #107 on: September 28, 2011, 04:34:47 PM » |
Hi Im having trouble accessing the tests? It keeps bringing me back to the sign in page? Ive been able to access them in the past but for some reason its not letting me this time... .any thoughts?
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Posts: 52
« Reply #108 on: September 28, 2011, 06:13:07 PM » |
My Scores (Average Web Scores) Paranoid |||||| 22% (49% ) Schizoid |||||||||| 38% (53% ) Schizotypal |||||||||| 34% (53%) Antisocial |||||| 22% (47%) Borderline |||||||||||| 46% (47%) Histrionic |||||| 22% (43%) Narcissistic |||||| 30% (41%) Avoidant |||| 14% (39%) Dependent |||||| 26% (37%) Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42% (40%) I'm not surprised by the last one, I know I have tendencies in the direction of OCD. I'm a little surprised by the Borderline one being as high as it is. That will merit some serious self-examination. But they're all lower than the average web scores, and they're all lower than the 55% in the poll, so I'm going to take it as a good sign that I'm doing better than I thought.
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: married
Posts: 428
« Reply #109 on: September 30, 2011, 03:59:39 PM » |
I only scored above 55 on obsessive compulsive (got a 58). I do have issues with obsessive thinking and I also have some weird "quirks" - i always have to have things set at even numbers, like the volume on our TV or on the radio, I count whenever I have water running, I spend probably a total of 2 hours a week pulling leg hairs out with tweezers, and when I was in jr high and high school I used to spend probably an hour a day using nail clippers to cut off split ends. These things never bothered me, and I didn't think of them as issues, and I wouldn't say they really interfered with my daily functioning - but now I definitely think I should mention them to my therapist at our next appointment! I am hoping that as I work through my anxiety and issues from BPDmom, maybe these compulsions will also subside - I am guessing they were maladaptive stress coping techniques!
« Reply #110 on: September 30, 2011, 07:44:57 PM » |
Go back to page one of Skips thread. (personality test thread) Immediately under Skips post you will see the white box labeled "Personality test" followed by the first six questions. Just click anywhere on that white 'box' and it will take you to the test. Hi Im having trouble accessing the tests? It keeps bringing me back to the sign in page? Ive been able to access them in the past but for some reason its not letting me this time... .any thoughts?
« Reply #111 on: October 07, 2011, 05:02:57 AM » |
Paranoid 86%
Schizoid 50%
Schizotypal 74%
Antisocial 46%
Borderline 82%
Histrionic 74%
Narcissistic 50%
Avoidant 66%
Dependent 66%
Obsessive-Compulsive 50%
Holy cow, those are really big scores ?
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Posts: 35
« Reply #112 on: December 21, 2011, 05:14:32 AM » |
Paranoid |||||||||||| 42% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 47% Borderline |||||||||||||| 54% 47% Histrionic |||||||||| 38% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42% 41% Avoidant |||||| 26% 39% Dependent |||||| 30% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 46% 40% I've always felt I was OCD. My only other score much higher than average is Borderline - does that mean maybe I'm just projecting on my uBPDgf? Great - time to take some more tests.
What is your sexual orientation: Gay, lesb
Relationship status: broken up
Posts: 60
« Reply #113 on: December 21, 2011, 10:29:12 PM » |
Paranoid 82%
Schizoid 46%
Schizotypal 62%
Antisocial 46%
Borderline 62%
Histrionic 74%
Narcissistic 30%
Avoidant 46%
Dependent 38%
Obsessive-Compulsive 78%
« Reply #114 on: December 22, 2011, 09:40:50 PM » |
Paranoid 58% 49% +9
Schizoid 74% 53% +21
Schizotypal 70% 53% +17
Antisocial 10% 47% -37
Borderline 38% 47% -9
Histrionic 14% 43% -29
Narcissistic 34% 41% -7
Avoidant 18% 39% -21
Dependent 54% 37% +17
Obsessive-Compulsive 58% 40% +18
So what? I'm a bit odd; I have known this for a while, and many people really appreciate my quirks.
« Reply #115 on: December 24, 2011, 05:24:11 PM » |
Just took the test and I didn't score anything over 55.
Strange then, how I think of myself as completely co-dependent right now.
The highest score I got was actually for borderline tendencies I nearly jumped out of my skin.
Paranoid |||||| 26% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 46% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42% 53%
Antisocial |||||| 22% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||| 50% 47%
Histrionic |||||||||| 34% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42% 41%
Avoidant |||||| 26% 39%
Dependent |||||||||| 34% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34% 40%
« Reply #116 on: December 29, 2011, 09:42:38 AM » |
Uh-oh. (and I have the nerve to just be glad my BPD number is low!) Paranoid 34% Schizoid 74% Schizotypal 22% Antisocial 54% Borderline 18% Histrionic 18% Narcissistic 50% Avoidant 14% Dependent 10% Obsessive-Compulsive 18%
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2012, 08:32:34 PM » |
my results:
Paranoid 34%
Schizoid 62%
Schizotypal 42%
Antisocial 38%
Borderline 46%
Histrionic 22%
Narcissistic 34%
Avoidant 26%
Dependent 14%
Obsessive-Compulsive 38%
Interesting test! If I'm reading this right, the only metric I scored above average on was Schizoid.
I do prefer to be alone and do my own thing. It's difficult to put the energy into maintaining friendships. I do try, but it's draining.
I also score high on introversion scores as well (80 percentile)
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Married 4 yrs, together 7, apart 1 mo., divorce actions started.
Posts: 134
« Reply #118 on: January 23, 2012, 10:49:38 PM » |
Paranoid |||||| 30% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 50% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 47%
Borderline |||| 18% 47%
Histrionic |||||| 22% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 58% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 39%
Dependent |||||| 30% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42% 40%
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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 4326
« Reply #119 on: February 24, 2012, 10:32:41 PM » |
Looking at this I guess I'm some kind of self-centered, law breaking, wierdo... .I know what to work on in my personal inventory now. That whole BPD/NPD relationship theory seems applicable.
Me Avg
Paranoid ||||| 22% 49%
Schizoid ||||||||||| 46% 53% Kind of figured
Schizotypal ||||||||| 34% 53%
Antisocial ||||||||||| 46% 47% Not expecting this at all
Borderline ||||| 22% 47%
Histrionic ||||| 22% 43%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 54% 41%
Avoidant ||||| 22% 39%
Dependent ||||| 26% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% 40%