Hi joshbjoshb,
desperate times call for desperate measures .
Dealing with BPD is a long term issue and it is important that your support system is and remains stable. Your job is critical for you and your relationship, critical in the sense that protecting it is part of the self care you need to exercise. If you have a job alternative lined that is better for you it is always worth considering but such a move needs careful consideration e.g. on the ability of your wife to continue working in the job.
It is tempting to look for a cure all - there is none. It is natural when faced with huge drama to search out big levers to stop it. It won't work. The BPD dynamic is caused by a multitude of drivers and dealing with BPD requires a constant focus on healthy, balanced steps which add up over time. At the moment you are new on the board. It may be worth first focusing on basic skills (avoiding invalidation, validating and boundaries - see
LESSONS) and understanding the exact dynamic in your relationship.
To answer your question "Will
switching job and limiting contact help?" - likely it will change the dynamic in your relationship for the better. For more on this topic see this workshop here:
TOOLS: Dealing with Enmeshment and Codependence. Still it is valid as alibaba pointed out: Distance is a poor band-aid cousin of true boundaries. But then some more distance introduced in a balanced manner could be one small healthy step too.
Can you imaging establishing a clearer division of responsibilities in your work with your wife?
Can you schedule private work time or private spare time activities every week where you are not with your wife?
Are there some projects she could handle on her own that gets her out of the house?