Hi again Pianowoman,
How are you doing this week? Have you had more interaction with your sister? It certainly sounds like your sister may be exhibiting traits of BPD. Has she ever been diagnosed with a PD or has she been in T?
As I read your note, I was struck right away by the drama! So much drama surrounds the life of a BPD. She sounds very classic in her rejection of you and others in response to any opinions that are different than hers.
As my Mom was dying, she was so cruel to me that the ICU nurses actually told me that they would take care my sister and her outbursts to give me a break. She now looks back on that time with a long list of things she thinks I did that made her angry.
This is a typcial example of how a person with BPD can project and blame their feelings and reactions on someone else, especially a family member. In my previous post I mentioned FOG, and I am wondering if this is how you may feel? Here is the link for you:
https://bpdfamily.com/content/emotional-blackmail-fear-obligation-and-guilt-fog My uBPDm was very much like how your sister sounds. When she felt rejected, she would banish them from her life and ours, often never seeing them again. She lived within the bitterness, never able to get beyond the feelings of rejection that sprang up within her. Sadly it isn't just them that feels the affects of the rejection, but we as family members also feel that pain and rejection. I am still working through it myself, and I understand now as I continue in T how much it really is a process, and that's okay.
I know I need to let go. Writing this helps and I will continue to read and try to take care of myself.
I am very glad that you shared some of your experience and the pain with us here. Keep writing and telling us more as you feel that you can. It isn't easy to let it go, and here, you do not have to 'just let it go.' You are free to work through the challenges and the hurt with us. It takes time. Be kind to yourself because it is not your fault.