Hey everyone,
Thank you for the supportive responses.
Did the SIL’s display disproportionate anger towards either of you in public? Self protection is a good idea if the other party is not respecting you as an individual, they’re using you as an end to a means, constantly causing drama etc... . It’s not easy but you do get to reclaim a sense of calmness back into your life.
She has never raged on either me or my husband in public. This SIL typically rages over the phone via call or text. In person she typically just pushes things too far... .in the past when she would show up at our old house, she wouldn't want to just say hi. She would want it to be dinner, drinks, sleeping over, staying the next day to watch our netflix, etc. I actually just read a thread on here about that sort of behavior in BPD's.
Her boyfriend, however, has acted somewhat aggressively toward me at a family party. I said hello to him, but he proceeded to follow me around. He would snicker with her at certain points and try to ask me questions across the room in an obvious way that he was trying to get under my skin. He made me very uncomfortable to be around him, even though I never engaged with him. It felt bully-ish. She was recently walking in our neighborhood with her boyfriend.
Expect it and plan for it so it is not such a violation each time it happens. I am not saying accept the behavior, just accept that it will happen and you will have to do some repeating of expectations and boundaries.
I was thinking about this situation after reading your post earlier. What would make you feel safer in your neighborhood (other than her not going there)? Would you feel better if you always had your phone ready to record any interactions that may come up? Would having a couple of short sentences to practice saying should there be a confrontation help? What about pre-planning what you will do should she rage at you in public?
Can you think of anything that would help you feel safer? Lets see if we all can come up with some good ideas.
Accepting/expecting is something I have really had to wrap my head around. I am proud of myself for being in a much better place now, but I am still not where I want to be so that's a great reminder. Processing these responses has prompted me to really look at what exactly would make it better and what exactly is it that I am fearful of. Having my phone with me is a good idea to record if anything comes up.
I do have some planned interactions... .mostly me saying hello. I would engage in some small talk about the weather and then state I have to get going to get back to work (I work very close to my home). I believe she would be fine with that type of interaction. I also believe that it's my husband who she really wants to "run into." We are both in a different place with her and that is something I continue to remind myself.
In the past, if he told her we can't do something she would cry/would fake an illness to have to get emergency attention/guilt trip him for not seeing her. Total disclosure: the summer before our wedding, she showed up to our home frequently requesting "brother/sister time." I of course understood, although I felt a little left out after it kept happening. My H tried to include me as best he could, but she really got upset if I came along. I came to learn that the topic of these brother/sister moments was me. It was that he should not marry me, he should get a prenup, etc. While my H dismissed most of it, there was a point when he questioned getting married to me and he cited a few things that she had also talked about.
She had not only created this drama with my H but also with a majority of his friends. Since we have been married now for a year and a half, a few of his friends have disclosed what she had told them and since they knew her for a while, they believed her. They said, "Wow, I really thought you were a b***h. I really didn't think you were good for him. I see that you guys are great together and this is the happiest he has ever been."
Practice some things you can respond with such as "Now is not a good time for me to... ." What other possible responses do you have?
My typical responses to her are that I am at work. Now in the past when we had a relationship (a very unhealthy one, but it existed), she would not respect that but I did not/could not respond to her. There were times when I would get upwards of 25 texts from her even when I didn't respond. Now that our relationship is in a much different place, I can just respond back with a quick, can't talk, at work and she respects that. Mostly because I think she texts me to show my H that she's trying. I don't think she actually wants a relationship with me, but she wants him back in her life and knows that he is disgusted with how she has treated me (he didn't know about this campaign she created with his friends).
I talked with my H about my anxiety last night and we agreed that if she pops up in our neighborhood again he is going to talk to her about taking things slow like we had agreed to. His reminder echoes what you all are telling me, which is: we can say no. In the past it hasn't felt like that was an option because of the sick dynamics between him and his sister. The dynamics are different, I just get nervous.
Now if I see her again at the gym, I will try to say, "This is my me time so enjoy your workout and it was nice seeing you."
Honestly, she frustrates the hell out of me. Every fiber of my being wants to just ignore her because anything she directs towards me feels fake because I am not who she wants in her life. I am working hard to believe that maybe she has changed and maybe she is being genuine, but I am not in the mental space yet to believe that.