Welcome, morningglory!

Let me join
Harri in welcoming you to the discussion forums. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. You will see from reading the posts here that you are far from alone.
Thank you for sharing with us what you have thus far:
At this point in time, after a back and forth between peace and chaos, I feel that I do not have the strength or energy to continue speaking with her or my father. Because we live in the same city, and the lack of physical violence utilized towards me, I am struggling to find the legal grounds for a restraining order.
Would a restraining order be necessary? Is it possible to simply adopt a No Contact policy with your parents and leave it at that? Or do you fear that your parents would not honor your wishes to go radio silent? What are the behaviors that are causing you the most trouble?
I am here in hopes of finding individuals with similar backgrounds, and resources so as to put this chaos to rest and begin to heal.
We are so glad that you are here! I believe that you have found the best place in the world for understanding, compassion, and education as it relates to healing from behaviors associated with pwBPD. When I was 23 years old, I too, had to go complete NC with my NPD-afflicted parents, and it was the best decision I've ever made (besides going to college). That was 23 years ago. I am now 46 years old and gratefully enjoy Thanksgivings without roasted turkeys flying across the table. So, I very well understand your need to protect yourself.
Please feel free to post - tell us more about what is going on your life and what, if any, plans you might have for the future. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Keep writing, keep processing, keep learning!