Have you read the lessons yet? What did you find in there that connected with what you are experiencing?
this is hard for me cuse of some of the things she says and gets mad about .
Why does this matter? She is mad... .we say "dysregulated". You have already acknowledged it is "crazy sh$t"... .so... it really doesn't matter what she says when she is dysregulated. The point is she is dysregulated and you need to behave in a way that helps her get "un-dysregulated"... .that helps her sooth... .the lets the rage "blow itself out".
Don't get in the way Here is the big hint... .when she is mad... .don't listen... go somewhere else. You are in charge of making sure you don't hear "angry things"... .she obviously can't control it right now.
i have tried all i know but thats all communication and she cant do that .
Please list some things you have tried. She can communicate... .
she is just communicating in a different language. There is an order to the way she is communicating. You need to learn that order. Trying to "force her" to speak your language isn't going to work... at least not right now.
it kills me to not be able to help her .
Focus first on not "hurting" her. Stop the bleeding. Read the lessons about that.
her family is so manipulative and controlling .
It's good you know this. This means it' is not about you. So ... .
don't take it personally!Hang in there.
Read the lessons!