The one thing that sticks out for me is that I haven't consistently spoken my truth. When pushed, I tend to compromise too easily even though there are times when I shouldn't have. I can think of two or three really big events that have happened in the last 16 years where I should have spoken my truth and stood up for it rather than compromising. I was so afraid of dealing with the fall out that I buckled.
This is verbatim a bit of my pattern VoC, I dont stand up for essentially what is/was? the correct thign to do from my perspectives. I can't explain it better than to say I allowed myself to be placed into compromising positions. Positions that I look back and I had a choice to be there. I went along, didn't question and that was me that allowed it. So it's on me in the future. Just little things like saying no every so often, really healthy long term even if their is a bit of pain then and there. Something I havent looked at from that perspective before.
Congrats Aussie JJ for making a career change. I think that's very brave and it's a big transitional phase as well with potential high conflict in court. It must be a lot! I hope you find time to take care of yourself.
Not 100 % there yet Mutt, just acknowledging that I have to do it. I have spent (my pattern of behaviour here) the last 10 years working for financial goals. Nothing wrong with that, I understand money/wealth quite well. I'm just changing my perspective. I would prefer to go to a job in the future (25% of your life is spent at work + overtime!) where I am going their to learn, love and enjoy what I am doing.
Taking care of myself was foreign to me, I was busy taking care of others, fixing problems and forgoing my needs.
You listed some similarities like avoidance, whereas I'm trying to learn how to communicate instead of falling back on avoidance. Working softer boundaries has been more so challenging for myself than putting up very high boundaries where I completely lacked boundaries or had floating / flexible boundaries. Not everyone is like my ex and have to put high fences, lower fences as well.
I think avoidance is somethign I havent looked at yet. Although it has been a big thing, mixing avoiding my own issues alogn with concentrating on others problems... . When have I ever looked after myself properly ? Externally I may look happy in many respects, and I am in so many. However I can do better I just havent been striving to be the best person I can be in many respects. Avoiding those very issues that are mine.
In regards to boundarys, I got told about 2 months ago by my P, its a learning experience. You will spend your whole life learning it, why be harsh on yourself when you make a mistake? Learn from it, adapt go on and thrive. I'm not at the thrive part of the equation however I'll get there.
At the top of my list that's plagued me my entire life since childbirth ( adoptee ) fear of abandonment and abandonment issues and trusting people and intimacy. I think boundaries help here as they let healthier people closer to me and it doesn't let the more toxic people in. It's something I would like to work on. Go figure I married a woman with abandonment fears

albeit much more powerful and crippling for her. If I think about it, a recipe for disaster.
A pattern I can work on and tune. I am struggling a bit to understand myself the, what/when/who/how sort of questions.
What have i got myself into here.
Why did I pick this person to open up to.
Who do I trust now.
How do I fix this. (Is it even my problem to fix?)
Well, cant control her only myself right, can influence other people however cant change them. Why no concentrate on myself form now on. That is the only pattern that I can really work on and tune.
I have a tendency to worry about things too much and get stressed out easily about whatever that may be about. During the relationship and even before. I'm sure this got on her nerves. Since our split I have been working on this and to a large extent succeeding in just relaxing and taking things one day at a time and having the belief that everything will be ok. Not getting overly stressed out I feel helps me show more of a faith that God is in control of things.
It's the detachment process from what I'm reading. Really is one day at a time like your saying AO. I am a long way off, still have my tendancies to want to correct, save, rescue. All of those things that in the past have been my pattern of behaviour, was I helping others or enabling them... . What is healthy for me going forward. All very tough questions that I and everyone who asks them of themselves have to look within themselves to answer.
All the power to you for this buddy. It isnt easy.

Gosh, I have many repetitive unhealthy behaviours! Any way to avoid difficult feelings! One thing I discussed today with my T, something I related to here in another thread is that I feel empathy for my abusers! Why? Perhaps to avoid actually having to enforce my boundaries. To avoid confrontation. To sweep things under the rug and stay in denial. To not have to cut ties with the person I love.
Pingo, somethign my P told me and I have kept saying it to myself. To have empathy in an abusive relationship is to say that that behaviour is acceptable and that you deserve to be abused.
I know I dont deserve it anymore. All of those reasons you list are my same reasons! But I love her! I dont want to fight, so I'll let this one go! Denial Denial Denail. End of the day you are denying yourself somethign that is the most precious of things. Taking care of yourself and meeting your needs.
It's all about distraction and then denial... .I tell myself that what they did was not nice/hurts me/is selfish but they went through this and that as a child, I make excuses for them and I end up feeling sorry for them instead of saying that what they did was not nice/hurts me/is selfish... .AND NEEDS TO STOP RIGHT NOW! I did this with my ubPDexh, my mother and most recently my daughter. I'm learning!
That last bit is all that matters.
Fall off a 100 times and make sure you get back on the horse 100 and 1 times and keep on learning. Eventually you will get there.

Wow, I can relate to so much of this. Just individually, things that I need to keep reminding myself. I deserve that respect and the person who can give it to me isn't someone else, I am the most important person and have to respect myself enough first. Be healthy myself.
Ready to write a logn rant here! Thankyou for feedback everyone.