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Author Topic: A most horrible encounter: please help  (Read 2478 times)
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« on: May 27, 2018, 12:44:02 PM »

Hi there,

I am still completely shocked at the moment. Normally I still post in the 'learning' boards, but given what I am going to tell, the 'detachment' board seems way better.

I had this female friend. 2,5 years we had quite an emotional bond, but then things went haywire. I was almost hero like before that, but after that the devaluation began and whatever I tried, nothing helped. There were times it seemed she got back to her old self, times where she seemed to say 'sorry' (without actually saying the word 'sorry', because that seems way too hard for her). After months it even was like things were normal again, but eventually everything went wrong again and she confirmed to cut off all contact.

That went well for a few months, but then I decided to send her a small Christmas text. In the months up till now that text slowly, but surely lead to a somewhat LC form of communication. I was very happy with that (, but perhaps a little confused). I somewhat tried to get my life back, but I noticed she still played quite the role inside of me.

Last week she seemed quite happy again: telling about her life etc. etc... All felt good. But then, all of a sudden, I received a text which seemed to imply a date.
It felt off, so I replied in a very evasive way, without saying anything about this date. Then I got blocked all of a sudden. I was almost sure this could NOT be her, but I was absolutely devastated. Everything seemed fine before this... .

So, I went for a walk to relieve the stress. And I walked by a bar which I used to frequent. She was there! With two guys and a girl. And there were A LOT OF PEOPLE outside their group as well.
I asked her 'What is all this?'. She shied away, but one of the guys began saying the MOST HORRIBLE things to me. Calling names, calling me things I would not like to say on these boards... .I asked her to say something, but she mumbled things like 'please, don't argue'. And sometimes she just laughed from the stress. Nothing more.

I couldn't defend myself fully, without hurting/devastating her, but I still chose to not hurt her and so I didn't tell anything really.
Eventually, the other guy and girl began to try and calm the (more drunk guy) down. It was him who had sent me that text and blocked me.
My friend just began to close herself off and just was playing with her mobile phone in the mean time. She clearly had trouble dealing with this.
The other guy seemed to be her boyfriend and he was a lot more calm. I asked to be able to talk with her. She didn't want to. And just said she would unblock me again. Her boyfriend began telling me how he knows she asked me to cut off all contact several times and asked me why I did not. I replied that she just told me that ONE TIME and that I really DID, untill I sent a Christmas text and after that things seemed to be better again. Even this week.

He asked me to cut off contact, but I replied that I wanted to hear that from her. In the meantime, the drunken dude kept calling me names, and all around her pressured her to say that she did NOT want any contact. A friend of her, whom I absolutely do not know (which seems to work there as well) pressured her as well by saying I could be dangerous. BUT SHE $#%@$!^ DID NOT SAY IT? SHE DID NOT LET HER PRESSURE INTO SAYING THIS?

The only thing she said to me:
She just said that she didn't like the fact that I accused her at that spot. For the record, I did NOT accuse her at all. I just said I thought this all was absolutely horrible. But that was probably the shame kicking in immensily.

Her boyfriend got somewhat confused and I told him that we had a bond, I am most certainly NOT his competition, but I thought this whole thing was extremely... .well... .choose your own wordings which imply the brutality, awfulness, injustice etc. etc.

He proposed to talk with me outside the group. We started, but soon I felt I was risking talking behind her back. We both then asked her to join us, and finally she did... reluctantly.

She was completely 'weird' and it felt like she was desperately trying to avoid all the shame or something. But we talked. I told them a lot, but not everything. Just to 'protect her' in a way. Her boyfriend changed his opinion. She kept saying how she NEVER said anything wrong about me, but he said that she should acknowledge that she kinda did.
She refused and he backed down.
She asked me what I wanted, but I told her that it is and was about what SHE wanted. Did she really want to cut off all contact? She kept saying she could send this, or she wanted to send that, so it was clear she DID NOT want to cut it off.
HER BOYFRIEND (!) concluded that indeed that was not the case and he told her he was fine with it and that I seemed like a stand up guy. He promised me to rectify this image of me among the other friends of his group that were there.
He asked me for my number to meet up again, all 3 of us. But I just said he could ask her for my contact details, but I was sure as hell willing to meet up again.
What was quite the eye opener, was how I told her I really cared and still care about her and that I truly liked her etc... But she picked up on my past tense regarding the 'liking'. She did NOT like that. I thought/hoped her boyfriend picked that up as well. That was really odd... .

I could NOT sleep that night. I was thankful (that boyfriend was my salvation in a way), but all those accusations haunted me. That night she unblocked me. I did NOT send her anything.

The other day, she sent me a text around midnight. How she thought this all was terrible and she never wanted this to happen. Again, not a true apology, but that's her way of doing it. She told me she told the others the accusations were not true.

I was still hurting tbh. And I told her a lot of other people heard that as well that evening. And I did not dare to enter that bar again... .I told her I appreciated her text, but I needed to reflect on all of this.

Yesterday I finally told her that this was devastating, but that I appreciated the actions of her boyfriend. I asked her whether or not she told her friend/employee as well that all what was said was complete nonsense. That employee/friend left early that evening, so she couldn't have been informed after our conversation. I told her that was quite important to me, because I would like to know if I could enter that bar again... .


I don't understand... .I guess she just expected me to be completely happy with her messed up excuse and be done with it. Why can't she just answer that question? Is she now mad again? Is this all shame based? Will this mean she will try and twist this all again to be able to just blame me?

Oh my... .I am most definitely not doubting her BPD anymore though :-(  :-(

I am hurt now... .AGAIN... .

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2018, 02:21:22 PM »

Its why im careful with the limited contact I have, you can get used as a form of triangulation and im sure stuff has been said about me at times that she has used to get sympathy and it makes the new guy feel like a "savior". In your case you didnt even contact her and she gave the impression that you were, that was her embarrassment of being caught in the midst of it, but it could have worked out badly for you and you did well to get your point across and defuse it.

im playing with fire being in contact with my ex, but I do make a point of never texting her anything that could be construed in the remotest way as coming on to her, even though I get texts that appear for me to encourage to do so, you never know after all who is actually texting (as you found out here) as well as what the hidden agenda might be behind it.

If your not interested in a r/s with her at all, theres not much to gain by trying to get insight into why she did this. The closest Id suggest is she bad mouthed you to get attention and sympathy not realising that youd find out the way you did.
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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2018, 02:54:30 PM »

Thank you Cromwell.

You are absolutely right. But the hard (and weird) thing is that she just seems to expect that her lame excuse should be sufficient and things should go back to normal THAT instant.

I've seen her behave like that before and I could not seem to do the 'right thing'. Forgiving her and acting normal would come back to bite me eventually, but saying that I am hurt or asking questions would lead her to try and shift all blame on me.

I am a little scared now. Why can't she just tell me whether or not she/they also informed her friend/employee?
Otherwise, I just do not have the guts to enter that bar again :-(
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« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2018, 06:10:18 PM »

Thank you Cromwell.

You are absolutely right. But the hard (and weird) thing is that she just seems to expect that her lame excuse should be sufficient and things should go back to normal THAT instant.

I've seen her behave like that before and I could not seem to do the 'right thing'. Forgiving her and acting normal would come back to bite me eventually, but saying that I am hurt or asking questions would lead her to try and shift all blame on me.

I am a little scared now. Why can't she just tell me whether or not she/they also informed her friend/employee?
Otherwise, I just do not have the guts to enter that bar again :-(

What I do suggest is the opposite of what might feel natural at the time, dont let this stop you living your life.

You have every right to go in that bar, regardless of any rumours she might have spread. You have done nothing wrong so dont act or behave as if you have and start hiding or jumping at your own shadow because of her.

People dont want confrontation, in this case, she probably whined and spun lies to the point where he felt reluctantly he had to confront you just to shut her up. Its resolved and no one lost face, except for her. You might find it has went against her because he will be very much wondering about it, your genuine reaction and willingness to talk about it speaks volumes, it is her credibility gone.  Red flag/bad  (click to insert in post) the fact she didnt talk when she had the opportunity to. "nothing to hide, nothing to fear".

Thats not to say after you have left she hasnt came up with some convincing excuses. But this is all just speculation. Dont be intimidated by any of this silliness, if the employee is too thick to realise that there are two sides to every story, and jumps to conclusions out of thin air that you "might be dangerous", I wouldnt give that kind of person much thought of what they think of you, you dont owe any of these people justification or to defend yourself, it was between you, her and your boyfriend. The rest is just background noise who like to latch on the drama and chaos that she has indeed created at your expense. All she is bothered about now is her 'reputation', I wouldnt trust her texts at all as to how much hard work - if any - she has done to repair the damage. Best is to go to the bar and find out for yourself, if you really dont feel like drinking there anymore thats a different thing and just take your money elsewhere.

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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2018, 10:03:12 AM »

Thanks Cromwell! You really helped a lot. I know you are right about visiting that bar anyway, so I really appreciate that. I just feel it would be really hard... .so I am not sure if I could manage to do that in the near future.

I feel extra disappointed in her, because she just didn't and doesn't answer my question after she did send this 'apology'.

In the meantime I should probably consider to try and get this girl out of my mind. I don't really see how our friendship could return to normal... .
The weird thing is that even now I don't know if I am ready to do so. In a way it would have been easier if she just said to cut off contact right there... .
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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2018, 12:34:51 PM »

Thanks Cromwell! You really helped a lot. I know you are right about visiting that bar anyway, so I really appreciate that. I just feel it would be really hard... .so I am not sure if I could manage to do that in the near future.

I feel extra disappointed in her, because she just didn't and doesn't answer my question after she did send this 'apology'.

In the meantime I should probably consider to try and get this girl out of my mind. I don't really see how our friendship could return to normal... .
The weird thing is that even now I don't know if I am ready to do so. In a way it would have been easier if she just said to cut off contact right there... .

Why would she want to cut off contact where there is the opportunity to use you to prop up her r/s. Also, have you as a safety net to fall into should she need it. Those are the 2 main strategic goals I believe are at play in triangulation. Ive been enraged at my ex, I once told her I would kill her (that angry metaphor), called her the most vile things, not spoke to her in 8 months, yet still today she texts like nothing ever happened, (on both our sides) I get adoration mixed with happy go lucky talk of the nostalgia of the past. What I expected from any reasonable minded person when I saw her after 8 months and all that happened, "f off Cromwell", but it is like nothing phases her at all. Closure just doesnt exist, in her mind we are "together forever".

Some of the difficult revelations ive had is that such a person actually exists that knows my worst side, yet still accepts it. It really is the most bizarre thing ive came across, someone on the one hand so emotional volatile, yet on the other, completely nonchalant to the point of being seemingly oblivious to all that ever happened. Its not that she forgets any of it, her memory is outstanding, I can only put it down to her "splicing" out the negative parts at any given moment in time.

There is no easy way out, at least that was my experience, sometimes I read here that they dont ever come back, but more often then not, despite some crazy disturbing behaviour in the previous r/s, they come back 6 months, a year, sometimes incredibly years later for a recycle.

i think if you make a decision you really have no not waver from it, I understand how hard it is living in the same street and you will encounter her often. That would have been almost impossible for me to deal with. I hope someone else can offer you a bit better advice how to deal with that.
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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2018, 02:16:04 AM »

Well, she doesn't exactly live in the same street, but indeed VERY close by. Her social life has seemed to move towards my home though... .

At the moment I think she successfully came up with excuses again and twisted the truth. She still didn't reply, but her boyfriend promised to contact me as well (though I didn't give him his number), but nothing from him either.
Luckily, I do not feel an urge to confront her with the fact she sent me an excuse text, but wasn't willing to answer my question in my reply. I just do not trust her at all anymore.

Don't know if this will last though...
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« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2018, 04:16:30 PM »

I feel stuck guys. Getting called all these horrible things in public. Then getting an excuse text, but directly ignoring my reply... .(the question I mentioned).

What is this?

Is this indeed shame? But then... .couldn't she just say at least something?
Doesn't she care at all? But then... .why even send the excuse text?
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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2018, 05:35:55 PM »

Hi EdR,

I'll help try to decipher why she could be behaving in the manner that she did assuming she's dealing with BPD.  But I'd like you to consider what you want out of this relationship you have with your "female friend."

I had this female friend. 2,5 years we had quite an emotional bond, but then things went haywire. I was almost hero like before that, but after that the devaluation began and whatever I tried, nothing helped.

From my perspective, there's nothing unusual about this kind of dynamic when it comes to BPD relationships.  There is the idealization phrase which alternates with devaluation.  The longer the dynamic goes on, the less idealization there is, the more devaluation occurs.  As I understand it, the closer your relationship gets, the more likely/often your BPD loved one dysregulates their emotions.

What a lot of nonBPD loved ones ask about is "how do I get the idealization part while minimizing the devaluation"?  And in my experience, you can't.  You can't only get one side of the coin.  You get both.

After months it even was like things were normal again, but eventually everything went wrong again and she confirmed to cut off all contact.

You see, what pwBPD dysregulate over is the imagined fear that you will abandon/betray/or denigrate them.  And that is why they often cut you off (i.e. abandon you) before you can abandon them.

That went well for a few months, but then I decided to send her a small Christmas text. In the months up till now that text slowly, but surely lead to a somewhat LC form of communication. I was very happy with that (, but perhaps a little confused). I somewhat tried to get my life back, but I noticed she still played quite the role inside of me.

I can understand why you would want to re-establish you contact with her; you didn't seem to understand why she cut you off in the first place.  

Last week she seemed quite happy again: telling about her life etc. etc... All felt good. But then, all of a sudden, I received a text which seemed to imply a date.
It felt off, so I replied in a very evasive way, without saying anything about this date.

My guess is that even though you see this relationship as primarily that of a friendship.  I don't think she sees it that way.  I'm guessing that while you guys are re-establishing your connection, she was probably deeply involved with her boyfriend.  And that closeness (with her boyfriend) is doing what it does to pwBPD; it dysregulates them into fearing that they will be abandoned/betrayed/denigrated.  And the best way (for pwBPD) to avoid this imagined abandonment is to be the first one to exit, even if it is only a short exit.  So those times that she is re-connecting with you, is in a way her way to leaving her boyfriend first before he could leave her (even though this is all in her head).

And once her dysregulating feelings subside, she can go back to her boyfriend and be in low or no contact with you.

Until, one day she felt dysregulated enough to try to set up a date with you.

Then I got blocked all of a sudden. I was almost sure this could NOT be her, but I was absolutely devastated. Everything seemed fine before this... .

But you hesitated.  And she interpreted that hesitation as possible rejection/abandonment which is why she blocked you (again).  Abandon first to avoid abandonment.

I asked her 'What is all this?'. She shied away, but one of the guys began saying the MOST HORRIBLE things to me. Calling names, calling me things I would not like to say on these boards... .I asked her to say something, but she mumbled things like 'please, don't argue'. And sometimes she just laughed from the stress. Nothing more.

This behavior reminds me of what happened with my BPD loved one.  For a long time, she (my exBPDgf) would speak badly about someone we knew in common.  She encouraged me to speak badly of him.  They did have a past history together.  I think her speaking badly of him served her partly as a vent of her dysregulating emotions.  And partly to make me completely unaware that she was considering him as a replacement for me.

You see, when she was re-connecting with you, she was doing this as a means to distance from her boyfriend.  Maybe she even complained to you about him.  Maybe she kept you in the dark about him.  But when she was no longer reconnecting with you, it sounds like she was devaluing you (remember: alternating idealization and devaluation).  And it sounds like she was devaluing you to her other friends.  Why else would this person say the most horrible things to you?

In the meantime, the drunken dude kept calling me names, and all around her pressured her to say that she did NOT want any contact. A friend of her, whom I absolutely do not know (which seems to work there as well) pressured her as well by saying I could be dangerous. BUT SHE $#%@$!^ DID NOT SAY IT? SHE DID NOT LET HER PRESSURE INTO SAYING THIS?

She didn't say any of it to your face.  But she probably did say some very defaming things about you.  Most likely a lot of it was projection.  It was all devaluation.

Her boyfriend got somewhat confused and I told him that we had a bond, I am most certainly NOT his competition, but I thought this whole thing was extremely... .well... .choose your own wordings which imply the brutality, awfulness, injustice etc. etc.

It was wrong.  And you have to ask yourself, who instigated this wrong?  These people who are complete strangers to you?  Or your disordered "female friend" who tried to set up a date with you but then suddenly blocked you?

She was completely 'weird' and it felt like she was desperately trying to avoid all the shame or something. But we talked. I told them a lot, but not everything. Just to 'protect her' in a way. Her boyfriend changed his opinion. She kept saying how she NEVER said anything wrong about me, but he said that she should acknowledge that she kinda did.
She refused and he backed down.

She was "completely 'weird'" because she was desperately trying not to say anything that would contradict either what she told you or what she told her friends.  And doubtlessly this limited what she could say or admit to having said.  

Interestingly, your instinct was to "protect" her.  And I wonder if her boyfriend's confusion would lead to doubt.

I could NOT sleep that night. I was thankful (that boyfriend was my salvation in a way), but all those accusations haunted me.

And they should haunt you.  You just got a glimpse of what happens when she is not directly interacting with you.  And this glimpse is a completely different picture from how you might have once imagined her to be.

Yesterday I finally told her that this was devastating, but that I appreciated the actions of her boyfriend. I asked her whether or not she told her friend/employee as well that all what was said was complete nonsense. That employee/friend left early that evening, so she couldn't have been informed after our conversation. I told her that was quite important to me, because I would like to know if I could enter that bar again... .


I don't understand... .I guess she just expected me to be completely happy with her messed up excuse and be done with it. Why can't she just answer that question? Is she now mad again? Is this all shame based? Will this mean she will try and twist this all again to be able to just blame me?

She didn't reply because at that moment, she didn't need anything from you.  If anything, she's probably spent a great deal of her time and energy trying to undo the damage (i.e. confusion) that your encounter with her friends caused.  

I don't expect you will hear from her until she does want something from you again.  But if she thinks you've already learned too much about her ways, she might just cut you off altogether.  

I feel stuck guys. Getting called all these horrible things in public. Then getting an excuse text, but directly ignoring my reply... .(the question I mentioned).

What is this?

Is this indeed shame? But then... .couldn't she just say at least something?
Doesn't she care at all? But then... .why even send the excuse text?

This was betrayal.  She betrayed you by ruining your reputation among people who are practically strangers to you.  I suppose if you betray first then you cannot be betrayed (first). She is ignoring your reply because right now you are a liability to her.  If you do care to engage with her again, you could ... .wait... .until enough time has passed.  But then you would probably only go through the same cycle again.

I can see that you would want to understand WHY she is doing this.

But beyond that, why do you think you are particularly attached to this "female friend"?

Best wishes,


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« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2018, 12:53:50 PM »

Thank you Schwing. I really appreciate your post.

You are right. It not only feels like betrayal, it is betrayal. And that hurts.

Your question is spot on: why do I feel so attached to her? I am asking myself that question as well. Because as 'easy' it is to distance myself from her now... .I just do not know whether or not I will be strong enough to do so in the long run.

It is probably due to several reasons, which I mentioned in several earlier posts. But I guess the main reason is quite simple: I deeply care for her.
Is it love? I don't think so, at least certainly not in a romantic sense. Could it have developed into that from my side? Well... .I guess it might have... .to be completely honest. I don't think I could exclude the possibility... .Though that is not saying a lot... .That's probably a possibility for every emotional connection between a man and woman.
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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2018, 04:16:51 PM »

And she blocked me again. Out of the blue.
I didn't message or text her the past few days. But all of a sudden she just blocked me this evening.

Enough is enough. I am devastated.
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« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2018, 02:43:45 AM »

Could someone please try and explain this latest action?
Especially in light of unblocking me and sending an excuse text?

Pleaaaaase... .
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« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2018, 03:18:17 AM »

Its simple to explain, as Swing already said it is a case that at this moment in time, having a conversation is a liability for her and that could be for several reasons. Ultimately, she doesnt currently need you to fulfill her emotional needs, that is far to say that you are blocked forever.

You say you have feelings for her, yet she is with someone else, any texts you send can be used as leverage for her, you saw yourself you barely had to even speak to her and she used one text to give the impression you were chasing her and look at the result of it.

My ex was an expert at hit and run tactics, she would say something dramatic then be unavailable for a follow up response. From my own experience, my ex was someone who could dish out trouble but was completely unable to risk taking any back. I get the same theme from your posts when she was forced to be confronted in the bar. If she could have pressed a "block" button on you there and get out that situation she would have, its the equivalent of what she is doing now. Stirring up trouble then not being able to confront the end result, its what I said about triangulation, she will set her "boyfriend" against you.

when you get cautioned or arrested in my country, your rights are read to you as "you have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can be taken down and used as evidence against you"

This is your case at the moment, shes fishing for a response, when you are unblocked are you going to reply in a way that she expects "why did you block me?" "whats going on", she will use that to make out she is being harassed and chased by you and it is good evidence to clear her name and justify she was right with the rumours she spread, she will be absolved of the shame that she was caught out lying about you, in order words, she will be validated in herself.

Youve shown her up to herself and others, rightly so, but dont expect to be in her good books for it, quite the opposite.
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« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2018, 04:30:49 AM »

Its simple to explain, as Swing already said it is a case that at this moment in time, having a conversation is a liability for her and that could be for several reasons. Ultimately, she doesnt currently need you to fulfill her emotional needs, that is far to say that you are blocked forever.

You say you have feelings for her, yet she is with someone else, any texts you send can be used as leverage for her, you saw yourself you barely had to even speak to her and she used one text to give the impression you were chasing her and look at the result of it.

My ex was an expert at hit and run tactics, she would say something dramatic then be unavailable for a follow up response. From my own experience, my ex was someone who could dish out trouble but was completely unable to risk taking any back. I get the same theme from your posts when she was forced to be confronted in the bar. If she could have pressed a "block" button on you there and get out that situation she would have, its the equivalent of what she is doing now. Stirring up trouble then not being able to confront the end result, its what I said about triangulation, she will set her "boyfriend" against you.

when you get cautioned or arrested in my country, your rights are read to you as "you have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can be taken down and used as evidence against you"

This is your case at the moment, shes fishing for a response, when you are unblocked are you going to reply in a way that she expects "why did you block me?" "whats going on", she will use that to make out she is being harassed and chased by you and it is good evidence to clear her name and justify she was right with the rumours she spread, she will be absolved of the shame that she was caught out lying about you, in order words, she will be validated in herself.

Youve shown her up to herself and others, rightly so, but dont expect to be in her good books for it, quite the opposite.

Thank you so much. I think that is the truth. She doesn't seem able to genuinely deal with these kind of feelings and situations.

I mailed her that I noticed her blocking me. I told her I didn't understand it, but I probably never will. I I said I wasn't angry, but I was disappointed. I asked her not to greet me anymore or anything.

Did I do wrong? (not from her perspective... .then everything would be wrong I guess)

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« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2018, 05:00:56 AM »

She could easily reply to what you said - acting innocently - "oh, sorry, I was very busy at work" or "I was unwell and put my phone off for everyone not just you".

In other words, you have made an emotionally based reply to what she can then retaliate with a catalogue of excuses or lies to counter-act, not just towards you but also anyone who will listen to her version of the events taking place. The ones in spectator mode, but dont get to see the full picture which she has part control of.

Dont feel bad about making this mistake, what seems the right thing to do in a normal relationship is exactly the wrong thing to do with a person with BPD.

Youve told her not to greet your or anything, this is a declaration of closure that could go to your benefit as long as your behaviour long term matches up to it. What will it look like if you waver from it if she feeds you a response similar to the ones I suggested she might. If you leave for good, thats her triangle with one side knocked out, its lost its power completely. Thats her loss and something she wants to maintain, so watch for how she replies now.

If she says "fine", then dont believe she means that, its likely a test to see if you were serious. if you start texting her afterwards, the ball is even more in her court.

I strongly advise you to just wait now, in the meantime think more about what you want long term out of this, what is your goal you are trying to achieve. Many people will type "x has just happened" what do I do about it? yet there is no indication of what they want to achieve. Therein can reside  a problem in itself that needs dealt with.
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« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2018, 06:47:21 AM »

I didn't have an explicit long term goal, but I did want to be sort of friends. Probably one could say the long term ideal goal would then be to have my friendship with her back.
But I would have settled with just hearing how she was doing from time to time.

Now, all my trust is completely gone. So at this moment I never want anything from her ever.

Did I close the door completely? Probably not. But her normal approach of 'say something nice and everything is kinda fine again' will not work anymore.
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« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2018, 12:02:18 PM »

I didn't have an explicit long term goal, but I did want to be sort of friends. Probably one could say the long term ideal goal would then be to have my friendship with her back.
But I would have settled with just hearing how she was doing from time to time.

Now, all my trust is completely gone. So at this moment I never want anything from her ever.

Did I close the door completely? Probably not. But her normal approach of 'say something nice and everything is kinda fine again' will not work anymore.

In that case it might be an opportune moment to find some closure whilst she is in a relationship elsewhere. This might not stop her out of the blue contacting you again probably "when" far more likely than "if" the r/s she has starts to deteriorate or lose its novelty/e too much for her. You might even get an apology all of a sudden, but this will be out of desperation. If she realises she gets nowhere with you, then that should hopefully be enough for her to finally move out your life and try elsewhere.

The reason I never managed to do the same, from what ive learned up until now, is because I was very hurt and believed her apologies were heartfelt. Just realise that youve had a bit of a warning shot so far, smear-campaigns are not unusual and they can have wide impact on your life, its not something to get complacent about, people have lost a lot because of it. My ex did similar but more in the vein of trying to get sympathy and attention from new friends than to cause damage, then she would alternate back to thinking I was the best thing in the world again, and told me she was "praying for me", not very helpful sort of regret to have after the damage is done and she certainly wasnt going to go so far as to tell people that she was lying in order to improve things for me.

So I know a bit what your going through, you really dont know what she might be saying behind your back now so the best thing to do is avoid feeding her anything that can be used as ammunition. If you keep this in mind, she will still try now and again I believe to keep you on the hook, but if she realises you are aware of what she is doing, I hope she will just slowly fade away. Like I said, consider sticking to your guns now, it might be a good moment to make a clean break from this and not be too forgiving. Times my ex did things, I noticed she would let a few days slip by and then act as if nothing had happened, never talk of the issue again, as if waiting for the heat of the moment to subside.
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« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2018, 12:23:42 PM »

Same here Cromwell. I also believed all her 'good actions' were heartfelt and an indication of who she truly was.
When she began her devaluation more than a year ago after 2,5 years of friendship, I TRULY believed she was heavily influenced by what I always called her 'mean girl/evil' friends. She referred to them in our talk a few days ago as well. She described how they still thought I was [insert something weird here]. But she had never said that. Well... that's what she said of course...

Even after all this, I still believe there is truth to this though. As someone with BPD/BPD traits her sense of self is problematic, so she really is extremely influenced by those friends.
Heck... .I would not exclude the possibility that she met those 'mean girl' friends again and told them her version of what happened in the bar. Then her friends would probably have called her crazy that she unblocked me and that she even send an excuse text.
She would have followed their advice to block me again, because their words would match her feelings of turmoil and I was blocked again.

I think this scenario is extremely probable. But still... .she is not a kid. She has a mind of her own and is accountable for her own actions. BPD or not.

I still feel for her, but I cannot ignore this anymore. This has gone way too far... .

But in the meantime I must be honest as well. I hope I will keep feeling this way. Because somewhere deep down I am a little afraid that eventually I will still feel very much attached... .

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« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2018, 01:48:12 PM »

If and when that day comes EdR, come here and re read your posts to remember how you were impacted.  Hopefully you will have done some significant healing enough to have a different perspective on things if she tries to re engage after this episode.  You always have the option to ensure you receive that time and space by preventing her from contacting you.  It's good to acknowledge that as a choice you can make to protect yourself. 

Reading your thread you have not been treated well at all and without sounding dismissive of her as a friend to you, I'd be tempted to measure what her friendship truly provides you.  Compare what you've had with this woman with other friendships and consider the differences in how you're valued, remembering to focus on the actions, not the words. 

Embrace the silence and use it to begin working the process.  You deserve better   

Love and light x

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« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2018, 04:17:35 PM »

... .remembering to focus on the actions, not the words. 

@Harley Quinn  Thank you for the clarity.  I have not been able to stop thinking about why your words struck such a chord this morning.  I have been running them through my head since I saw this post --this is so simple, so obvious and yet it hit me like a hammer. 

This was why my heart and  my mind were at odds over my year with her.  Much of the discontent and cognitive dissonance was the result of hearing one thing and then observing something completely different. It hadn't dawned on me until I read your eloquent statement.

I have always believed 'Honesty is better observed than explained -if a man tells you he is honest... .RUN!' -yet in the maelstrom of our relationship I could not heed my own advice.

Wicker Man

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« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2018, 07:41:37 AM »

Thank you Harley Quinn. I will try to remember that.You are absolutely right: her words might still be okay, but her actions speak for themselves.

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« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2018, 08:33:42 AM »

What do you want to do now? 

Love and light x

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« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2018, 11:29:55 AM »

What do you want to do now? 

Love and light x

I honestly don't know.
Well, perhaps I do know a little, but I already had trouble to achieve that before this incident and I think it will only become even harder now... .
I first of all wish to become stronger and not be scared to eventually go to that bar again.
And I just want to feel happy again. Try and meet other people and establish new friendships. But although a lot of people say that would be easy, I feel it is quite hard... .
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« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2018, 03:52:47 PM »

I hear you. Where does the difficulty lie for you in connecting with others?  Kids do it so effortlessly but as adults with histories that aren't all fun it's difficult to sense who is worthy of trust and investment of our time and effort. That may sound harsh but it's natural to be a bit cautious. I find that following my own interests allows me to cross paths with like minds or at least others who have something in common with me. Taking a class has been helpful for meeting people whilst learning or developing a skill/knowledge.

Now is a good time to think about what you value in a friendship and focus on that.

Love and light x

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« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2018, 04:21:10 PM »

I hear you. Where does the difficulty lie for you in connecting with others?  Kids do it so effortlessly but as adults with histories that aren't all fun it's difficult to sense who is worthy of trust and investment of our time and effort. That may sound harsh but it's natural to be a bit cautious. I find that following my own interests allows me to cross paths with like minds or at least others who have something in common with me. Taking a class has been helpful for meeting people whilst learning or developing a skill/knowledge.

Now is a good time to think about what you value in a friendship and focus on that.

Love and light x

Yeah, you described it quite well yourself. Like others said in different threads: after high school and university there just isn't this yearly group of 20-30 new people to naturally mix with. I never gave it too much thought back then: you are just drawn more to some people than to others. It was all natural. Maybe 2 out of those were great matches character wise and perhaps 5-10 could be considere as 'fun to be with'.
Now it just takes way more thought and energy. And like you said: you cannot expect to have a 'click' with just anyone. But after some experiences I probably am also afraid to get disappointed. The natural process of 'not having a click' with just anyone would now just feel awfully painful.

And I find it hard to think about this one: where to start? I absolutely like/love a certain sport. The problem was that she did it as well and it is quite a small sport here in my country. So there was this one other club I wanted to join. I had a lot of fun, but as I was talking to some members and the coaches, I learned that she sometimes trained there as well although I specifically had chosen that club, because it was a different one than hers.
I didn't think it was a good idea to join that club anymore as I somewhat feared what could happen if she saw me and would dysregulate at the spot. A lot of people thought I was overreacting and should just think about my own happiness.
But given this recent escalation, I think I did the right thing though... .

I must find something else and of course there is probably a lot. But I just don't seem to have the clarity/openmindedness to actually think of something AND follow through... .It's like I need a little push... .well... .more like a very big push.

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« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2018, 03:50:20 AM »

Sorry for the double post, but I feel I need to post this:

I now sense I begin to feel a new emotion: I would like to get across how brutal this all was and that this final blocking of me is totally absurd (and mean!) expecially given all what happened before that. Including the excuse text.

I am NOT sending anything now. I know it is a bad idea. So I am just posting it here instead.  But I don't like this shift inside of me.
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« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2018, 10:32:58 AM »

Sorry for the double post, but I feel I need to post this:

I now sense I begin to feel a new emotion: I would like to get across how brutal this all was and that this final blocking of me is totally absurd (and mean!) expecially given all what happened before that. Including the excuse text.

I am NOT sending anything now. I know it is a bad idea. So I am just posting it here instead.  But I don't like this shift inside of me.

Hi Edr. im in a way pleased to hear you are feeling angry, its not as a negative emotion than it might seem. Good for you controlled enough to post here where it is safe. I realise she has blocked you so there maybe wasnt an alternative but always feel safe and free to post here, ive done so and it helped enormously.

glad because ive found its more important to experience this anger and release it, then to store it away where it festers long term.

i still get moments of anger, but they are far rarer and float away almost as fast as they arrive. A lot of it I can relate to "anger at the absurdity" a good choice of word.

You do realise that I went through what your going through now, yet the next day I would be unblocked and everything on the surface was back to "absurd" normality?

until the next antics.

Id like you to bear this in mind if she unblocks you after youve released your anger and feel momentarily better, those were the times I was vulnerable and went back for more thinking id got over whatever behaviour prior that caused me to feel that way.
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« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2018, 11:54:13 AM »

Thanks again Cromwell. I REALLY appreciate and value your help a lot! And I like what you are saying.

But can I ask you something? You are talking about 'releasing the anger'. What did you mean by that? Directing it towards her?

The weird thing is: I have never really done that. I always remained quite collected. But even at the slightest hint of confronting her or telling her I couldn't understand or accept certain behaviour, she would dysregulate even more. More painting black, more gossip, more twisted facts etc.
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« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2018, 11:13:11 PM »

Hi Crmwell,
Thank you!  Bullet: completed (click to insert in post) all the behaviors you mentioned are why I went NC with my bp trait ex- its as if you were observing us.  I have been so tempted to send him a birthday card -- and break the 7 month NC -- but NO this would be a foolish thing to do and your comments remind me again of all of the red flags and why its over. Thank you so much! 

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« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2018, 03:32:40 PM »

Remember that I said a few days ago that I asked her not to greet me anymore or anything. That this has gone too far.

Well, today I've learned that there might be consequences. Still too early to tell (I will know more tomorrow), but it sounds like she is trying to damage me one more time... .

I am scared now... .will probably post more tomorrow. But I am somewhat scared to go into too much detail and make it possible to identify me... .
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