I read this one recently.

Explaning the crucial difference between high-functioning and low functioning. Many internet resources focus on low-functioning pwBPD and people that have really obvious traits.
Learning about high-functioning made me feel sane, and explained my secret little situation where no-one else sees this side of them seeing they function pretty well with people they aren't close to.

Caring and considerate way of describing pwBPD, covers needy types that are not really covered on the internet. The internet often focuses on people that have been jilted or painted black by some raging pwBPD. I admit this is what is happening with me. However, there are many people with BPD that are nice, caring, have empathy and their biggest traits are the loneliness, depression, and self-harm.
Those pwBPD don't need any extra stigma, and the loving way in which some things were explained was good.

Explaining the impact it can have on someone without BPD--this made me feel sane again. I felt all these symptoms, and was starting to think I was some kind of Waif myself. I have lost esteem, depression, lost energy, lost friends. Pretty lonely.
I felt like I am pathetic.
Hearing this is the usual case when someone is in this extreme relationship was comforting.

Led me to this website.
Does really give enough solutions. I feel this website where you can ask specific questions is a better resource for solving problems.
The book is really a good starting ground and great way to get clarity.